
Medical Cannabis Research Paper

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What Are the Medical Effects of Cannabis?
Interest in medical cannabis has been increasing for decades now. More and more research shows the variety of ways medical marijuana can be incorporated into effective treatments for people with a range of different conditions. New studies explore the effects of cannabis use on people with other conditions as well.

What are the medical effects of cannabis? If you’re wondering if you should incorporate medical marijuana into a treatment plan for yourself or someone else, you’ll want to know what it does.
The Science of Cannabis
The first thing to understand is how medical marijuana affects the human body. Cannabis contains substances called cannabinoids. These substances bind to receptor sites in the …show more content…

The most studied effect is the reduction of pain. When cannabinoids bind to receptor sites, they calm nerves. Those nerves then stop sending pain signals to the brain.

Cannabis has been found to provide relief from chronic pain, nerve pain, and even migraines. The effects also extend to shakes and tremors, such as those associated with Parkinson’s disease. The nerves are told to stop sending signals to the brain, which then calms the involuntary motion.
The Parasympathetic Nervous System
The medical effects of cannabis extend to what’s known as the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the heart rate, intestinal activity, and gland activity. It’s sometimes known as the “rest and digest system,” since it conserves energy.
One of the medical effects of cannabis is to relax the parasympathetic nervous system. This slows the heart rate and helps people achieve a state of relaxation. This is one of the most commonly reported effects of medical marijuana. It helps those struggling with mental health conditions such as PTSD and anxiety. It also promotes sleep, which is useful for anyone suffering from

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