
Media's Access To Abortion

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The media argues that accessibility to abortion is a human rights issue, while disregarding the subject of infanticide associated with the freedom of choice. Many nations, like Canada have chosen to decriminalize abortion in order to make it more accessible to women. The “pro-choice” stance the media adopts about abortion neglects to mention that abortion is not solely a feminist issue; it is also agues in favour of genocide against a silent population. The media praises politicians whose “pro-feminism” who use rhetoric such as “the freedom to choose,” while also denying the rights and freedom of everybody else involved. The freedom to choose rests solely with the woman; the father and the child are legally excluded from participating in the …show more content…

This news article maintains a neutral standpoint on the issue of abortion, favouring neither side of the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. However, while it does not outwardly endorse the upcoming amendments, it includes a number of quotations from the pro-choice perspective, which suggests that the increased access to abortion in NI is reflective of progress in the United Kingdom (UK). The Guardian’s Jessica Elgot and Henry McDonald report that Theresa May is willing to make concessions on NI’s abortion laws, so that women in NI are not financially responsible for terminating their pregnancy. The report indicates that prior to the proposed amendments, women from NI have to pay £900 to go from NI to mainland England in order to procure an abortion. The report further states that many British MP’s are praising the government’s concessions, particularly Mrs. Leadsom, who has been vocal about making further amendments to the law. A look at the quotations included in the article further show that the issue being addressed surrounds the accessibility of health care for women throughout the UK. The article does not any data or pro-life argumentation in its presentation of the news; it emphasizes the woman’s freedom to …show more content…

The Catholic Church contends that God gave man freedom and free will in order that he would aid God in creation. For example, in Genesis 2, God creates man first, and gives him dominion over all of the creatures of the earth. As beings created in God’s image humans have an increased responsibility to take care of creation. God did not intend for man’s freedom to be used as a means to do evil, true freedom is performing what God desires to see in the world, its greatest good. The Church further states that true freedom stems from the knowledge gained from an inner appraisal of the self. Theologians theorize that the most grievous sins are performed by individuals who are self centred. These sins are performed by people who do not consider the impact their actions have on others. By its nature, abortion is contrary to what God desires humanity to do with the gift of free will. When a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy, she chooses to destroy God’s creation. In most cases abortions are sought because the woman does not want to have children. The self-centredness of these women stems from the knowledge each human person possesses about right and wrong regarding murder. Their selfish nature causes them to terminate the pregnancy rather than seeking a more humane option (e.g.

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