
Media 's Influence On Domestic Propaganda

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As of 2013 the US government ended it 's long time ban on domestic propaganda. (RT) However, has propaganda ever stopped? And, is this just an aggressive attempt to increase the already overwhelming amount of propaganda already swelling within the media? Many sources point out that the mainstream media has always been a source of propaganda, the tool used to persuade and guide the public in making their opinions and decisions on important issues.
Personally, I 'm also concerned that it distracts people from thinking too deeply about major issues. One need only attend a football game that shows support for the troops by advertising the military 's might, to see the juxtaposition of propaganda and entertainment. By disguising overly manipulative propaganda within media as part of entertainment, government and corporate intentions appear suspicious due to propaganda 's influence over people 's choices and decisions. Media arrives in many forms and each form brings a unique style of propaganda with it. Littered throughout pure entertainment for many years now, it 's part of everyday life. When "media tycoon William Randolph Hearst believed America needed a strongman", he chose Franklin D. Roosevelt to fill the role of president. (Goldberg) By backing Roosevelt with his powerful media, and financing a movie called 'Gabriel Over the White House ' that brandished a strong FDR like character to be the hero, he achieved his goal in getting FDR elected and the New Deal passed.

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