
Media And Media

Decent Essays

The mass media is an important factor when it comes to getting a message across to the public. No specific community can do without media as it is a crucial element to society. The media helps provide individuals things that they need the most, that being information. Sometimes this information is considered injurious and appalling, whereas other times it normal. The messages that are taken from the media are based off of one’s own faith and knowledge, in accordance to the reinforcement theory (Jetter, 2017). The reinforcement theory argues that you can change someone’s perspective or behavior by using reinforcement, punishment and extinction. Punishments are used to avoid the behavior you do, rewards are used to support the behavior you want and lastly extinction represents stopping an individual from acting upon a learned behavior.
Although terrorism cannot be defined in one specific definition, it can be depicted as the use of violence against innocent individuals to bring political change through the means of fear . Majority of the time, terrorist attacks are often not directly intended for an exact individual, rather, are done to convey a memorandum (Altheide, 2007). This can potentially signify that the media paying a large amount of attention to terrorist organizations, may further encourage them to continue their violence. The correlation between terrorist and the media is symbiotic as terrorist organizations terrorize in order to seek publicity for the sole

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