
Media Affects Teen Perceptions

Decent Essays

Guiding Question:
How does the media affect teens’ perceptions of themselves?

Integrated Summary: Adolescence is recognized as a period of self-discovery as young people grow from children into adults and come into their own. However, adolescence does not happen in a vacuum. During the period of growth, young people are surrounded by parents, peers, and sociocultural influences, like the media, that may impact the development of how they perceive themselves.
The impact of idealized bodies and lives perpetuated by media influence on self-image, self-esteem, and the perception of self has been routinely studied by researchers. The underlying hypothesis of much of this body of literature is that when young people, who are still developing their perceptions of self, are subjected to the idealized images recognized by the sociocultural influences as being ‘the norm’, adolescents are likely to experience negative perceptions of themselves as they fail to live up to the airbrushed, photoshopped, and heavily posed versions of what the human body can look like (Ricciardellia & McCabe, 2001). Indeed, studies have shown that women and girls in particular are more likely to be less satisfied with their own appearance after viewing pictures of thin, attractive models (Richins, 1991). Recent studies have shown that boys do encounter pressure from the media; however, the pressures they face are different from those experienced by girls in that girls face more pressure regarding their

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