
Medea Character Analysis Essay

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Literature Character Analysis The play Medea relates so much to conflicts going on today in all type of relationships. How would you respond to the betrayal from someone you love? Some would say that they would just walk away from the situation. Others would try to get revenge on that significant other. Medea is known to be the protagonist; the one who is in the external conflict with another character. The character she is in conflict with is Jason, known as the villain. The way Medea responded to Jason leaving her for another woman was very dreadful. Not only did Medea go after getting revenge for Jason, but she also went after everything Jason loved; his new wife, and her own kids. I guess you can describe Medea as very vengeful and violet. …show more content…

The audience would sympathies with Medea the victim of an extreme situation to the point perhaps of wanting revenge for her sake (Lawrence 50).” The text provides an example of how Euripides understands how Medea is liable to breakdown in situations of extremity. It is understood how the situation can turn her to act in such a hatred way. She gave everything away for Jason. She goes as deep as killing her brother and convincing the Pelias sister to kill their father. She did all this for Jason to leave her in the end. Jason decides to leave her and the kids to marry someone else. He repays Medea in the worst way possible. This rejection sends her off edge. She goes into deep depression about Jason betrayal. Most people can’t have sympathy for Medea because she killed her children. What type of mother will kill her kids? Some will have a hard time wrapping their brain around that thought. But other could understand she has been through a lot with Jason and she’s out to get revenge on him by any means possible even if that means killing her own children for which she once loved so dearly. But now when she sees them all she sees is Jason. The product that her and Jason made is all she sees. She is determined to destroy everything that has any relation with him. After all Jason has done to her, it’s kind of hard not to have sympathy for

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