1. The higher the rate of dairy consumption, in turn equals a higher rate of developing osteoporosis. This is the exact opposite of what the dairy industry is generating to the general public. 2. Once the body intakes dairy, the body reacts and creates an asset-like condition called metabolic acidosis. To combat this condition, the body consumes it’s most readily acid buffer, which is calcium. The body extracts the calcium to neutralize the excess acid and the repercussion is weaker bones. III. Results of Meat Intake A. You can’t have your cake, and eat it too; well in this case meat. Although, meat products provide us with various nutrients that solely this protein can equip us; is the added hormones, increase in risk of cancer, and …show more content…
Heart disease is the number leading number one cause of death in the United States, with cancer being the second. Why is a disease so preventable the leading cause of morality in American? If it due to ignorant, habit, or lack of information. The question to ponder is, what is the kernel that is causing this disease to prevail. Is it oil, the dairy, the meat industry, or all three of them combine. B. “Vegan accuse animal products of causing heart disease and cancer. The real culprit is vegetable oils, which have insidiously replaced animal fats in western diets.” (Fallon 20) 1. The root of heart disease and cancer isn’t meat; but vegetable oil. 2. Intake of meat should remain the same and or increased; due to no correlation with negative effects of health. C. “Populations eating the most "Western" type of diet also had the highest cholesterol levels, which in turn was strongly associated with the rate of diabetes.” (Campbell 149) • Elements of the western diet link to the cause, that cholesterol and diabetes are caused by poor and unhealthy diet choices. • Can be reversible and or cured if vegan diet is emplaced and withheld. V. Carbohydrates A. Carbohydrates are like human being. They come is numerous sizes, colors, and forms. They each emplace a purpose and are wonderful; but is a bad apple in the mix? Are all carbohydrates healthy for you or do they all promote
However, Michael Pollan, in his article “Escape from the Western Diet” states that both the food and health industries are partially to blame. He talks about how he wants Americans to leave behind the western diet. Pollan claims the fast food business is to be faulted in light of the fact that they utilize these distinctive wholesome hypotheses to discharge new items, and that the wellbeing business is to be faulted on the grounds that they utilize these speculations to grow new solutions and strategies. He’s not just opening up about the unfortunate western eating habits, but additionally how the health care buildings are charging at this issue, however they are profiting from the results. He wants Americans to avoid this diet because of the harmful effects it could bring, such as “western diseases”(Pollan 423). Pollan claims that utilizing reductionist science, which concentrates on individual gatherings as opposed to entire nourishments, is unavoidable to attempt to make sense of what isn 't right with the Western eating routine. Pollan believes that it is because of the huge amounts of salt and sugar, put into foods that cause obesity. In that statement I agree with him because I personally don’t use a large amount of salt in my food, but I see peers just pour so much salt and sugar in their meals like it’s nothing and then complaining about how they 're getting fat. He additionally clarifies that these restaurants and markets
Michael Pollan, a man who has written multiple books about food and eating, focuses on the western diet in his essay, Escape from the Western Diet. He simply argues that people need to stop eating a western diet because the diet leads to health complications, such as chronic diseases. Pollan himself writes, “People eating a Western diet are prone to a complex of chronic diseases that seldom strike people eating traditional diets” (Pollan 421). In this statement, Pollan compares risk of chronic disease within the Western diet to the traditional diet. He then continues by discussing how scientists will argue about the biological mechanisms behind the phenomenon of the western diet and chronic disease, yet the solution to the problem remains the
In “Escape from the Western Diet”, the writer Michael Pollan is making points as to why we should avoid the Western Diet. Understanding the problems of the Western Diet and solutions to escape from it is the main idea of this article. He reminds us of many different scientific theories that demonstrations how the Western Diet is behind the large number of diseases that follow to those who eat it. Those theories were the “lipid hypothesis”, the “carbohydrate hypothesis” and the “neolipid hypothesis”. Michael Pollan believed that all the theories and scientific explanations were not going to prevent the chronic diseases from the Western diet. And the only solution
Pollan believes that Western diet is the primary cause of many of the different ailments that are impacting contemporary society. A few of the most notable include: heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. This is because there is no vested interest in supporting primary care and preventive medicine. As the health care industry wants to create drugs that can treat these conditions. Yet, they do not deal with the root causes of the problem. Instead, they allow the individual to engage in a pattern of destructive lifestyle choices. This increases the profit margins for everyone inside the health care industry by taking this approach. (Pollan)
Michael Pollan says in his argument that the western diet is chiefly to blame for a majority of health deceases, he says “the scientist who blame our health problems on defiances of these micronutrients are not the same scientist who see sugar-soaked diet leading to metabolic syndrome and from there to diabetes, heart deceases, and cancer” (421) Due to all this negative impact to our health Pollan says that the food industry needs new theories to better redesign processed food and the medical community to make new drugs to beget deceases.
The statement made earlier in this paper, “high levels of dietary cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease and obesity” is troubling. Primarily due to what a statement of such simplicity represents. If dietary choices were so simple obesity and heart disease would not have gone unchecked for a generation of American’s who increased their consumption of both sugar, and unsaturated fats. Indeed, strict scientific review, and contextualized in-depth analysis are the only way to tease out accurate understandings in helping people make more informed decisions about what they
It used to be very common just to eat any meat we pick up from our local grocery store such as Walmart or Target, but with this upcoming millennial generation’s new lifestyle expectations, people are starting to care more about what they consume and how they treat their body. It is important to understand where the food that is being put in your body is coming from and whether or not it is really what you think. Most people understand that eating meat is healthy and good for you always, but the manner in which the animals the meat is being produced from are raised affects the way it tastes and how it either damages or helps the body. I personally believe that people should eat humane meat because it is much safer for the human body due to it
Taking meat out of one’s diet doesn’t mean taking out vital nutrients. Substitutes for protein found in meat without the high level of saturated fat, include: nuts, seeds, soy products, cereal, eggs and dairy. In fact, not eating meat improves a person’s health because eating a great deal of meat means being more prone to have high cholesterol and blood pressure. To set an example, advertisements say lobsters have “fewer calories, less cholesterol, and less saturated fat than chicken” (461). In the quote take note of, “than chicken.” Lobster, a great source of protein, still has high levels of cholesterol and sodium. Although accurate, the quote does not give the full truth. Not to mention, the popular eating habits of adding more fat to meat. Wallace mentions in his article the “common practice to dip lobster meat in melted butter…”(461); all healthy fats evaporate when butter is melted. Advertisements fail to mention facts about butter. To sum up, individuals will improve their health and obtain enough nutrients in their diet by avoiding meat.
Type two diabetes is preventable with the right kind of lifestyle, but if it is not prevented the only one to blame is the individual because it is self done. Obesity and type two diabetes are two ilnesses that are done to ones self through the acts of not eating a healthy stable diet and not exercising on a regular basis. If the United States did not promote so much processed foods the american families probably would not be in this epidemic. Unfortunaley, this epidemic is spreading worldwide, it will continue to have this domino effect if individuals are not more aware as to what they are eating. Khanna goes on to explain how when this type of diet is used in different parts of the world such as in Japan there becomes an apparent difference in their health. She notes that there is a decline in their health. She also states that “in the West, we have far too many additives in our foods, high fructose corn syrup, things we cannot even pronounce in our foods."According to the authors of the Harvard University of Public Health Web Team, Deane Eastwood, Christopher Ternan, and Jacob Yerdon, the Western diet plays one of the largest roles in obesity. Obesity has become a growing epidemic in every age group due to the toxic environments that have prevented many Americans from healthy living. We are constantly surrounded by processed foods, whether it be in schools or work areas, which makes it difficult for individuals to
Meat is part of a balanced diet. If humans stopped breeding animals for meat, then we would have to hunt all the wild animals for food. The wild animals will be hunted into extinction because of gluttonous meat-eaters. Because of factory farming, meat is now available at all time at the super market. This makes meat convenient to obtain and eat nutritionally. Meat contains all the essential amino acids that we need every day to remain as healthy individuals. Minerals and vitamins that are also beneficial to the growth and development of the human body are found in meat too. Eating specific types of meat such as fish provides healthy natural oils that cannot be found anywhere else. Abandoning meat as a source of nutrition means we will need to compensate with another source of sustenance.
Meat is an important part of our diet not only because it provides essential nutrients to our body, but also helps our body be effective. Many people think the only reason we eat meat is to satisfy hunger and to receive protein, but it is for so much more than that. Meat is more than just a complete protein unlike soy products, for example, which need to be combined with supplemental proteins to be considered "complete." It's loaded with other healthy goodies, including high levels of iron and B vitamins, such as niacin and riboflavin which enables the growth of healthy skin and nerves as well as help digestion and maintain good vision. Meat also contains selenium, which works as an antioxidant with vitamin E to protect the human body from heart disease and other health problems. Phosphorus, which helps regulate metabolism, is also
Meat is an important staple in human diets and nutrition, but not every type of meat is healthy. Red meat is defined as meat that is red when it is raw, for example beef or lamb. It is consumed in mass amounts all over the world, although there are risks involved in consuming so much red meat. Previous research has connected red meat to increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. It also causes an increased risk of mortality. The components put into meat, whether processed or unprocessed, adds to these risks and is unhealthy to put in the body. However, there are some benefits to eating red meat such as getting vitamins and minerals like B-12 and iron as well as using it as a source of protein. Too much red meat consumption negatively affects people’s health by causing health problems, creating increased risk for diseases and certain cancers through the processing of the meat as well as how the body reacts to it.
Throughout our lives we have been told that milk is good for our body and helps to toughen our bones. Drinking milk started when people domesticated animals for food, which happened around 7500 years ago in the central Balkans and central Europe. By that time consuming milk was not as common as it is today. It was only farmers in some specific regions that were using cow’s milk. Milk’s market grew the mass production of meat in the 15th century. Afterwards in the 17th century, the idea of eating out and going to restaurants was born and fast food industries, started using animal’s meat for producing their meals. The rate of milk users grew with the rate of meat users and milk’s market got bigger and bigger every day. Mothers
There are many beneficial reasons behind eating meat. Some believe that red meat causes cancer and contributes to heart complications. However, there is plenty of nutritional gain that a persons’ body can benefit from by simply adding meat into their weekly diet regimens’. Meat contains large amounts of protein, which the body needs in order to develop and maintain muscle mass. Not only does meat contain protein, it additionally contains iron, and zinc that a person’s body essentially needs to help improve their overall health.
Some individuals may have chosen to be Vegetarian for health purposes, or out of respect for animals. The health benefits of not eating meat may reduce the risk of a Heart Attack, Cancer, and Type 2 Diabetes. Meat contains saturated fat. Consuming excessive amounts of meat may cause clogged arteries. Clogged arteries force your heart to beat faster, in order to pump blood through the arteries, resulting in high blood pressure. Compounds broken down in meat produce fatty build up causing clogged arteries, and in some cases resulting in a heart attack. Preservatives, such as nitrate, are used to prevent bacteria in processed meat, and are known to cause cancer. Red meat is high in iron and may diminish insulin’s effectiveness of converting sugar into energy causing diabetes.