
Measuring The Competition Of Banking Sector Essay

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Measuring the competition in banking sector

There have been two broad schools of thought when it comes to measure and assess the competition in banking sector. The first, and classical, concept evolved from the Smithian school of economics. This view hold the firm belief that the competition is not what can be created, it happens. Measuring competition is measuring the position of equilibrium in the private and state sectors, as well as in the private and private sector. In an ideally competing banking sector, according to Smith (1776), all the banks have equal opportunities and equal offerings to the society, in such a way that selecting one outfit over other will amount to no difference. On the other hand, the second school of thoughts, regards competition in banking as something that has to be actively ‘injected’ into the banking sector. This involves regulations, laws and overseeing bodies. There are many statistical and analytical methods of measuring competition among banks, some of which are discussed here.
2.2.1 Lerner Index
In modern economics, the market power of a firm is a very important aspect of measuring the influence, impact and hold a particular firm has over a given market. The market power of a firm is defined as the capability of that firm to raise the market price of the given goods or services over the given sets of marginal costs, typically either through stocking or through collusion (Boyes and Melvin, 1991).
Lerner Index is a very widely used

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