
Meaning Of The 9/11 Memorial Museum

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On September 11, 2001 after the twin towers had fallen, our U.S. flag had somehow survived within the rumble, and the flag was raised back up by firefighters to give reassurance of our recovery. It is explained by Guerra how a photographer, by the name of Franklin, had taken a picture of this moment because he saw that it was going to be a “‘ photo with the most meaning’” since there were “‘three men raising a flag paled in comparison to thousands of people dying and two buildings falling to the ground.’” This picture was spread throughout the country, and as a result, it was soon noticed that the flag that was standing was different than the one from the photograph. Not too long after this was noticed, Guerra mentions how “a man who introduced himself as Brian went to a fire station in Everett carrying a flag in a plastic bag,” which ultimately was the authentic flag (that he had supposedly received from a widow of a 9/11 victim).

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