
Meaning Of Life In Things Fall Apart

Satisfactory Essays

The meaning of life. An age old question which many consider the answer to be unknowable. Yet, it is still the topic of century long discussions. Chinua Achebe stated in a 1994 interview with Eleanor Wachtel, a Canadian broadcaster, that the meaning of life, the purpose, was to struggle . “So that’s my sense of the meaning of life. That’s really how I would put it, that we struggle, and because we struggle, that struggle has to be told, the story of that struggle has to be conveyed to another generation. You have struggle and story, and these two are quite enough for me.” This is our life’s purpose. To fight, and to survive.
In Achebe’s novel “Things Fall Apart” the protagonist Okonkwo tried everything in his power to avoid becoming what his father was in his eyes: weak, cowardly, and effeminate. Because of this strong desire to show his masculinity, he took actions that resulted in exile from his village, ruining his reputation and agitating his ego. As Okonkwo lives out his banishment in his motherland, he discovers Christian missionaries have gone to his old village and have converted many, including his son Nwoye. Okonkwo had always seen his son as weak, fearing that he took after his grandfather. When Nwoye took a Christian name, Isaac, his father viewed it as the ultimate betrayal, which shows the extent of his hubris. Okonkwo then was unable to incite an uprising, realizing that the importance of tradition in his tribe had …show more content…

All she wanted was to give her brother a proper burial, despite knowing that her Uncle had deemed him a traitor. She fought against Creon’s decree and willfully defended her actions in his court. Regardless of her explanations of her morality, he sentenced her to death. Antigone was unwilling to let Creon kill her and in despair and wishing to be with her brothers, she killed herself; her strife had

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