This documentary is an inspiration for women who wish to convince a child. There are various methods a mother can give birth. However, it is left for the woman to decide which method works for her own baby and the doctor should educate the woman about the different solutions. Nonetheless, the doctors should not persuade the woman to have one treatment over another while in labor because the doctors are not the ones that are carrying the scars of childbirth all their lives. On the other hand, during my winter break, I spent enormous amount of time with my cousin’s friend who attend different university around the states. We were viewing, studying abroad opportunities in Europe and we came across study abroad as a “Midwife.” I thought I knew the meaning of a Midwife, but I guess there was a different meaning when I watched the YouTube. I was thrilled, yet terrified to view the process of a mother giving birth at home and sometimes with a Midwife, to assist the process. …show more content…
In the documentary, the speaker states “The United States has the second worst newborn death rate in the developed world.” Unfortunately, I had a timorous encounter when was watching the documentary. Moreover, I am terrified about the notion that most women who are in labor at the hospital in the United States have to take painkillers or C-section so the delivering process would be quick and easy. Moreover, this process, would it not cause depression or psychological dysfunction for the mother after delivery? Also, it is not every child born with the same genes; the baby might have several pains and disorder when it’s born because of the side-effect “medicine” that the mother takes into her blood system. However, there are natural medicine and natural birth process; a doctor ought not to limit themselves to only prescription for the
When Sarah was out of the bed and standing her whole attitude changed, she was more comfortable and relaxed. Sarah went on to give birth on her hands and knees, there were no complications and the perineum was intact. The student felt that through the use of different positions, listening and observing, she had empowered Sarah to have a normal birth. The two specific topics the author will analyse are positions in labour and the role the midwife plays in facilitating choice.
Michael Granada Period 4 Summer Reading Assignment The Color of Water by James McBride I. Character Analysis – Ruth McBride a. “What color is God’s spirit?” “It doesn’t have a color,” she said. “God is the color of water. Water doesn’t have a color.”
This report will evaluate the roles and responsibilities of a midwife. “Midwifery encompasses care of women during pregnancy, labour, and the postpartum period, as well as care of the new-born.”(WHO, 2015) This is a recent definition and clearly points out that a midwife has many roles and responsibilities. The NMC Codes of Conduct will be evaluated with specific emphasis on recent changes within healthcare. These changes took place as a result of the tragedies at Mid-Staffordshire Hospital in 2005-2009 and are the outcome of the Francis report in order to improve care given to patients.
The Call of the Wild is a book that was made by an author called Jack London. The Call of the Wild is a Nonfiction book, meaning it did not happen in real life, that is about a dog named Buck going through treacherous landscapes just to get a bunch of different people to Alaska, so they can go gold panning. The main reason why people call this story a classic is because it is a story that people remember for a long time. These kinds of books are most of the time passed down from generation to generation which is what usually gives books the name classic. This book also inspires other people to write books that are very similar to it; an example of this is Lassie Come-Home.
Ecological approaches focus on both population and individual level determinants of health. Ecological approaches mainly consider health issues as a community based problem and not just individual, this helps to improve community health and reduce health concerns. Unlike the behaviour change model, by focusing on a community, ecological approaches reduce the idea of singling out individuals which is more beneficial and may make the approach more successful.
This essay demonstrates significant factors, a midwife and the women may face within Australian public hospitals. As a midwife the key skills are understanding of what supports and impacts the normal physiological process of labour and birth. This essay will discuss two influencing factors that have a negative effect on the normal progress of labour and birth. This will be seen, firstly by discussing the cultural and environmental impacts of labour and birth. Then, examining how the midwife may best support and facilitate the adverse effects of normal physiological process. This essay also discusses a positive labour and birth environment within the Australian standard model of care.
In America, midwives attend less than 8% of all births and less than 1% of those occur outside a hospital. At the same time, the US
In the documentary called Babies, we are introduced to four different babies, from different parts of the world in separate societies including Japan, The United States, Namibia, and Mongolia. The film documents how each infant is raised in their own culture and society. The beginning of the film depicts medical practices amongst the different cultures. The American and Namibian babies were the two that differed the most. In the Namibian culture there is no medical assistance. The only prenatal care that was seen in the film was when the expecting mother had ground up some red powder and smeared it on her belly, when giving birth there was not much medical
This essay will be relating to an episode of care that was provided to a woman, her partner and their baby on day five during the postnatal period. It will examine the role of the midwife in relation to breastfeeding and how this was not achieved in the case study which is shown in the appendix. Throughout the essay it will look at the following outcomes: the role and responsibility of the midwife within current maternity care provision, the importance of sensitive midwifery, key legal and ethical dimensions of the midwife's role and key sociological and psychological agendas impacting on current maternity care.
As an adult student I have learned to appreciate the peaceful, yet exhilarating moment when my mind engages with an author 's thoughts on a page. To say the least, Born in the USA has been life changing. I treasured the information it provided, the optimism for my choice in profession, and the desire to push our current birthing environments further towards a safe and respectful place. To begin with, I am disheartened by the purposeful rebellion doctors in America possess toward Midwives and informed birth. I have experienced their contempt firsthand and it just strengthens my stance on maternal rights. Page 19 of “Born in the USA” states, “The Reciprocal Natural Childbirth Index” exemplifying the patronizing attitude toward self-education. If the leaders of the American healthcare system are not encouraging education, then what hope is there for anyone to make knowledgeable choices? As Marsden Wagner said, “I also learned much about the profession, including the fact that in every other highly industrialized country, midwives are highly valued health care professionals.” This makes me wonder what are we gaining stifling midwifery care?
This is the beginning of the mother’s involvement with the midwife. This is an opportunity for both parties to establish a personal relationship, partnership. This is where education exchange can occur, recognition of responsibilities, options and choices are determined which are supported and discussed with the mother and her supporters. (Pairman, 2010, pg. 431-432)
Being a midwife refers to a profession where the midwife would work in partnership with the women throughout her pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. Not only is being a midwife women-centred, however, their role also includes ensuring the partner and family members are prepared and aware of the process. Within a women’s health, the midwife should focus on health, family planning, nutrition, domestic and other health issues as the main priority is the
This paper will focus on the differences and conflicts between doctors and midwifes. Doctors have been been the lead care providers for women for hundreds of years. Just short of one-hundred years ago Mary Breckinridge became the first midwife in the united states. Today there doctors and midwives have an ongoing feud. Many doctors feel as if midwives are uneducated and are not trained enough to provide health care to women, and do not agree with their more natural approach to child birth. However there conflict is slowly but surly being resolved, as many health care facilities are allowing midwives to have more authority in the work place. Secondly, this paper will go over the differences between doctors and midwives, many people are uneducated
MD Marden Wagner said, “In every country where I have seen real progress in maternity care, it was woman’s groups working together with midwives that made the difference.” The Marriam Webster dictionary defines midwifery as “The art or act of assisting at childbirth”. The definition is a spot-on explanation. Midwifery is not very broad; it’s pinpointed as a specific job with detailed instructions that only deal with pregnancies. Many will argue to say that midwives only work with women who are having “normal-pregnancies”.(Goer, 2002). Normal pregnancies include a healthy mother and fetus, with no complications. “Approximately 10% - 30% of pregnant women will experience Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) during their pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy happens in 1 out of 60 pregnancies. About 1% of all pregnant women will experience placental abruption, and most can be successfully treated depending on what type of separation occurs.” (Pregnancy Complications). Everyone is different, they handle pain in different ways, they have diverse fingerprints, they all have their own unique genetic material; evidently all pregnant women will experience each pregnancy they have differently from themselves and from other women. Many people will argue about the authenticity of a Certified Nurse Midwife’s education however, in reality “Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) are registered nurses, with a minimum of a
Two years ago, I was introduced to midwifery when my brother and his girlfriend were considering options for the impending birth of my nephew. Since that time, everything I’ve pursued and studied has helped bring me a step closer to becoming a midwife myself. I find pregnancy, childbirth, and babies to be the most fascinating things in the world. I spend heaps of time independently researching different aspects of childbirth. Last year, I wrote a research paper on the differences between home births and hospital births, and I’m currently working on a podcast about home births and the role midwives play. There's so much knowledge out there that I was oblivious to; once I figured out that pregnancy, birth, and even postpartum care need not be