
Meaning Of A Midwife

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This documentary is an inspiration for women who wish to convince a child. There are various methods a mother can give birth. However, it is left for the woman to decide which method works for her own baby and the doctor should educate the woman about the different solutions. Nonetheless, the doctors should not persuade the woman to have one treatment over another while in labor because the doctors are not the ones that are carrying the scars of childbirth all their lives. On the other hand, during my winter break, I spent enormous amount of time with my cousin’s friend who attend different university around the states. We were viewing, studying abroad opportunities in Europe and we came across study abroad as a “Midwife.” I thought I knew the meaning of a Midwife, but I guess there was a different meaning when I watched the YouTube. I was thrilled, yet terrified to view the process of a mother giving birth at home and sometimes with a Midwife, to assist the process. …show more content…

In the documentary, the speaker states “The United States has the second worst newborn death rate in the developed world.” Unfortunately, I had a timorous encounter when was watching the documentary. Moreover, I am terrified about the notion that most women who are in labor at the hospital in the United States have to take painkillers or C-section so the delivering process would be quick and easy. Moreover, this process, would it not cause depression or psychological dysfunction for the mother after delivery? Also, it is not every child born with the same genes; the baby might have several pains and disorder when it’s born because of the side-effect “medicine” that the mother takes into her blood system. However, there are natural medicine and natural birth process; a doctor ought not to limit themselves to only prescription for the

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