
Meaning In A Doll's House

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What is the meaning of life? It is a somewhat subjective and personal question. Depending on the person it could be family, work, 42, horticulture, or any number of things. However, some people feel their life does not have meaning. A life without meaning can have devastating consequences for both the spectators and the participant. It can be accompanied by strong feelings of hopelessness often paralleled only by feelings of resentment, anxiety and boredom which can lead to the aforementioned consequences. To find meaning in a life that one does not lead, in a world where very few opportunities are offered, can be exceedingly challenging. No one can hand you something that makes your life worth living, one has to find it on his or her own. That said, there have to be ways for people to seek said meaning; if one …show more content…

And that may be true, having nothing to live for does not necessarily guarantee moral destitution. However, there is a correlation between people who lead lives without meaning and negative behavior. This is especially apparent in people or characters who either go from a vapid life to a life with meaning or vice versa. Nora in A Doll House initially lives her life happily but aimlessly, she did what her husband told her and never thought or did any differently than what was expected. In this time period she was a fairly amicable person; she loved and played with her children, went to parties, and did her day to day activities with general happiness. However, near the end of the play, Nora realizes that she is living a lie and that she does not know what she actually wants from life and that her current life has no meaning for her! At this point, one can practically feel the change in personality. She becomes cold and collected, losing all her previous childlike tendencies and walks out on her husband and children without a second

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