What Values Mean to Me Values are what make you the person you are. Not many people are able to realize what their values mean to them. I know that my values contribute to how I act and what I believe in. I find that religion,life with meaning and purpose, and marriage, makes me continue to try my best and know I am going to go far some day. My family supports me and knows that if I live life with meaning I will accomplish big things. With family comes with a family of my own. A strong marriage is the start. Having a strong marriage means less fighting. Having God as a person to live by is what keeps me going in life. I make mistakes, I have lied, I have done something that I am not supposed to but I know that God will forgive me. He …show more content…
I would go to school, then practice, homework, and dinner. On a game night we would not even have dinner together. We would get home and go to sleep. During the season, we would always spend the whole weekend together. We would go on walks, see a movie, go to dinner, play games, etc. I really enjoyed the extended hours spent with my family. It showed me that they have my back and are certain that no matter how far apart we are we are always together. A couple years back my stepdad was an investigator. With this job he had to travel all around the country. He would be gone for weeks on end while my mother and I would hold down the house. Although we kind of enjoyed the free time to ourselves, there was always something or someone missing in our lives. After he would get home it still would not be normal. We would then have to reorganize our lives to having him in them. Dinner would be different, conversations would be different, laundry would be different. Even though we had all of our differences, we still acted as one and carried on our lives in a positive way. Along with my parents putting the family first, they also put their marriage a close second behind. No matter how far apart they always make it work. My mom is always at work or at a school function. I am constantly doing extracurricular activities, and my step dad is either working or playing in his band with his friends. All of the chaos the …show more content…
I am thankful that I have a leader that I can cherish and depend on, also known as the Lord. I am thankful that I have a great family that will allow me to fail and still have my back. A family that will cherish the time we have together. I hope to one day have as good of a marriage that my parents have today. I hope we can love God more than each other and be proud of that quality. I am so very thankful to be free and live life the way I choose. My values make me the person I am today and I wouldn’t change them for the
Values are usually points which often all of us think important to us along with consequence how we perform ourselves. Values are usually points for example integrity, loyalty, honesty. Our Values are usually according to Beliefs or perhaps created by our track record. Our Values is usually accurate or perhaps inappropriate in comparison to facts, nevertheless regardless it’s what we feel it’s true. As I have religious beliefs then I do form a specific set of values set out by a religious faith.
Far too often in our selfish-minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent. However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with
Values relate to our personal principles, morals, and ideals—that is, what we consider to be important.Each person is unique, with their own personal values and beliefs shaped by a number of factors that include culture, religion, and personal experiences.We value each person as an individual, respect their aspirations and commitments in life, and seek to understand their priorities, needs, abilities and limits.
Values help people determine what is right and wrong. They provide our moral compass in life.
Life can be many things, it can be a box of chocolates or it can be a big trial and error, over time some of our values change, become eroded, or become forgotten. Our actions can say more than our talking and our beliefs guide us in life. Over the years, my values have greatly influenced my character and helped me reach my point in life right now. Unfortunately, not every one is lucky, they forget their values and become overwhelmed.
the ability to Help my family, friends and others who crosses my path it reminds me that we are all in
Although, I also value things like my family and friendships. Throughout life as you learn more about yourself, you start to figure out what you find most important in life. I learned to value religion, family and friendships by my family and peers. They taught me to always have faith in tough situations and to not be afraid to ask family and friends for help when it is needed. However, I did learn to value honesty, respect, integrity, equality, and dependability as I got older and went through my own personal experiences.
I am thankful for many different things from huge to small. Each thing has a specific purpose because the things they have done for me. I am thankful for the amazing life that God has given me, without this amazing gift I wouldn't be here so I am grateful for him. I am for my wonderful family and the love and happiness they bring me. I am thankful for the food that is provided for me. I am also thankful for my amazing girlfriend that has been there to pick me up, wipe my tears and patch up my heart. She helps me keep going and always makes sure I go after my goal in life and my dreams without that help and love I don’t know where I would be. She is a blessing and I couldn't be more thankful and blessed to have her
The first thing I’m thankful, for is my mother. First thing is I wouldn’t be on this planet without her. For example, I wouldn’t have have a family nor the friends I have, or the food, water, and shelter. Also my mom is always there for me when I need her. If I have trouble with my homework she is always
I have many things to be thankful for in my life, but the biggest thing would have to be my family. My family has supported through my ups and downs. With senior year upon me they have supported and helped me choose the college I want to go to. They have done more than enough for me and will forever be thankful for them. Most importantly I would have to be thankful for my parents. My parents have loved and taken care of me for 15 years and have officially been my parents for 10 years. A number can not begin to show the love and support they have for me. Next thing I would have to be thankful are all the teachers in my life. They have helped me figure out what I want to do. They have kept me on track, and always pushed me to by my absolute best.
I am thankful mostly because I am still fully alive and I don’t have any bad things that make me unable to walk or talk. I am also thankful that I have a good life and I am not poor so that means I can eat and not starve. I also have a good family that helps me up no matter what happens. So overall I think I am a very lucky guy. This is because I have god on my side and I have not fallen in any bad sins/crimes that would get me in trouble like jail. I know that there has bean ups and downs in my life, but I am still up and running. I will not give up no matter what. This is because everyone I know is helping me get through life without no suicidal thoughts.
I have a lot of things that I am grateful for in my life. It includes everything from friends, family, life and just enjoying the little things.One thing that I am really thankful for is my family because they always help me through things and no matter what will always be there for me. They always know how to make me laugh and we have lots of fun when were all together just cruising. I am also thankful for my ability to be athletic and be good at sports. I am grateful for being able to play on the soccer team for our highschool. Another thing that I am really thankful for is being from Kona where everyone is really kind and caring. I think that I am lucky to be thankful for things because some people around the world have nothing such as no
We are thankful for our meals and thankful for having such wonderful people around us. Every matter in life exists because of God. Jesus is the reason that people weren’t punished by God, and it is my duty to serve him with my full love towards him. God and Jesus are important to me because I can rely on them everyday, and I believe that they will protect me from evil. Jesus came to earth in order to forgive our sins, so it is for me to thank him for his sacrifice. Also, when I am having a hard time, I can rely on Jesus and God. From Jesus’s teachings, I can learn and approach my life positively. I won’t be afraid to walk the path that I desire because Jesus is next to me. Jesus is my guidance and guardian, which is why he is important to me.
Over the course of my life my values have changed based on circumstance. Currently if I had to list out my top five values in descending order they would be: religion, family, education, country, and culture. I value religion first and foremost because of my beliefs system that has been instilled in me since I was a child. " If you place God first in your life, then everything else will work itself out", is something my Grandfather has always told me. Family is something that doesn 't necessarily come first, but is a very high value to me. I identify as being a very caring father and husband, the protector, and head of my household. My family has always been supportive of my decisions. They have influenced me to always give my best at everything and to persevere when I fail. Education is the new value that has began to take a precedence in my life. Education is the bridge to success that I am striving to succeed at. Without education I cannot properly attend to my family 's needs. The time demand of education also puts it very high on my values list because it warrants the majority of my attention.
I am thankful for a lot in life, but I’ve just chosen three and those are my Grandparents, my family, and vacations. When someone is thankful for something, they are showing respect and gratitude towards the gift or person. “Strive to find things to be thankful for, and just look for the good in who you are!”- Bethany Hamilton. Being thankful is something I strongly try to do because I think it’s a great virtue.