
Mayella Ewell Trial Essay

Decent Essays

Opening Statement for Mayella Ewell Good afternoon Members of the jury, my name is Layla Betsinger and this case is about fear. Fear, everyone, is what drives this entire case. Mayella Ewell had fear towards her father, Bob Ewell, and towards her reputation, after she had pursued Tom Robinson. This fear induced her to lie about who beat her and what happened behind closed doors at the Ewell home. She has done this because if she were, to tell the truth, she would still have to go back to that rickety house with a drunk father and have the wrath of him poured onto her. Members of the jury, one day Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell crossed paths, like every other day, and soon that day had turned into a horror. Mayella and Bob Ewell took Tom Robinson to court for rape and abuse. …show more content…

Dear jury, the evidence of this case is substantial to the conclusion of this case. During Mayella Ewell's cross-examination, she stated “He got me round the neck, cussin’ me an’ sayin’ dirt– I fought’n’hollered but he had me round the neck. He hit me agin an agin” (Lee 205). The second piece of evidence is when Mayella said, “No I don't recollect if he hit me, I mean yes I do, he hit me” (Lee 210). Another piece of evidence from the case is from what Tom Robinson recalls from the account. “She says what her papa does to her don’t count” (Lee 220). The fourth piece of evidence comes from when Atticus was questioning Mayella, “You were screaming all this time? No answer” (Lee 213). The final piece of evidence comes from Atticus again, “Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your

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