
Mayella Ewell To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

Decent Essays

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that explores themes surrounding the ideas of justice and stereotypes. A question commonly surrounding this, is whether Mayella Ewell, a focal point of this novel should be held accountable for her actions. Mayella Ewell should be held accountable for her actions because she indirectly took a man’s life, committed her actions for self-preservation and abused her privileged status. When Mayella Ewell accused Tom Robinson of rape, it lead to a series of repercussions that cost Tom Robinson his life, proving that she should be held liable for her actions. Tom Robinson already being a black man knew that the weights were stacked against him from the beginning. The punishment for rape in Alabama is being sentenced …show more content…

On the social ladder of Maycomb County a black man is considered lower ranked than the poorest white person, like Mayella Ewell or the Cunninghams. This is something that she knows would sway the case in her favor. Based on the color of her skin she won this case, not based on the evidences and facts that prove otherwise. Throughout the court case it is evident that the Ewells don’t have a proper case. The bruises on Mayella’s face are on the right side, meaning that someone left-hand dominant would have had to punch her. Her father is left-handed whereas Tom Robinson lost his left hand in an accident, As well Mayella Ewell kept changing her answer further proving that she didn’t have a proper alibi. For example on page 248 she says “ no I don’t recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me.” Even her going as far as to play the pity card by bursting out into tears pointed out by Jem when he says “she’s got enough sense to make the judge feel sorry for her” (page 241). Even though all the facts and evidences point at Tom Robinson being innocent, sole fact that he is a black man makes him guilty. Mayella abusing her entitlement being a white female not only makes a mockery of the justice system-- a place supposedly being the equalizer of men, it proves that people use privileged their privileged status to tip the scale.Therefore proving that Mayella Ewell using abusing her privileged status to win the court case should prove that she needs to be held accountable for her

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