
Mayella Ewell Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Mayella Ewell is a liar and a cheat but that’s not the big picture. She has come from the dumps of the town where the trash is stored and has no education. Her family is broke and her dad is the only one allowed in all of Maycomb to hunt anytime of the year because of how much poverty her family has gathered. During the infamous trial of Maycomb county, Mayella is the center of attention as she has claimed to be raped by Tom Robinson, a local black worker at the cotton mill. She wants to use this attention to fit in and feel accepted. Mayella isn’t like any of the normal girls her age and right now that's all she wants to be. Mayella is trying so hard to do that. On top of all that, she has an abusive, drunk father who doesn’t support the family like he should, leaving the job to Mayella. Mayella Ewell is a sympathetic character because she comes from a …show more content…

Mayella is viewed by the entire town as an outcast. She wants to desperately change that. It’s pretty hard when your family is the town joke. Mayella is trying her best to become apart of her town and separate herself from her “white-trash” family by using Tom Robinson as a way for that attention. She decides to lie in court saying Tom raped her when really it was her father. Mayella babbles on and on about Tom Robinson and then Mr. Finch to where eventually she breaks down and starts balling. “ Judge Taylor let her cry for a bit and then said, “‘That’s enough now. Now you’re a big girl,...’” (chp 18) She uses her crying tantrum to draw the attention of the courtroom to herself. Mayella feels that if she is able to convict a black man of rape, she will fit into society because she has committed a racist act. Being racist will allow her to think she has slipped into society and feel somewhat accepted because everyone feels sorry for

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