
Maya Angelou Comparison

Decent Essays

Are you white or black? Maybe you’re Asian or Hispanic? Do you have light or dark hair? Is it curly or straight? Are you bald? The point is we are all different. It’s true, but we are also all human. We all have value and worth. This is shown in both the poem Human Family by Maya Angelou and Barack Obama’s Speech on Race. Both point out how people across the country and world are different. There is no doubt about that, but that in the end, we are all similar. We are all the same inside. Human Family by Maya Angelou and Barack Obama’s Speech on Race both uphold and express the common theme that all people are unique and equal.

Human Family by Maya Angelou is a beautiful poem about people all over the world. It displays the message that everyone is unique. She wrote “I’ve seen the wonders of the world not yet one common man.” She really expresses this by pointing out different ways people are unique and how no one is the same. A stanza later she says,”but I’ve not seen any two who really were the same.” By talking about these things, it shows the reader how diverse the people of the world are. She even points out that identical twins still have differences. Sometimes though we let these differences get …show more content…

They both discuss ways people are different like their background and their race, but both end by saying we are united. The most moving line in Maya Angelou’s poem says “ We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” Three times this repeats to end the poem.This displays the theme and shows what the poem is all about. In Barack Obama’s Speech on Race, he makes the same point when he says, “we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction,” and he recognizes these differences and similarities. Both texts express the same beliefs by making statements on uniqueness and unity and

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