
May Swenson Women

Decent Essays

A WoMAN’s World The poem “Women” by May Swenson creatively exhibits the struggle most women have with objectification by men throughout their lives. Swenson writes how women “should be” certain “things” which depict for readers the voices that women hear from others. It also depicts how women are made to feel as “things” or objects. The poem often compares women to the pedestals or wooden rocking horses to represent that women are toys and objects for men which is the major theme of this poem. The writer displays how women are seen as objects by noting that “Women should be pedestals/ moving pedestals/ moving to the motions of men”(1-3). The pedestals are a symbol of how women should be the support for men or how women are beneath men. This is significant in that it reveals how women are truly seen as objects by being compared to a manipulated tool such as the pedestal. It means that women live for no other purpose than to serve and support men such as a pedestal. Another example of …show more content…

Throughout the poem she states how women “should be” all of these different things to please men, however, it is said in a sarcastic way to imitate how men think. Many diction, words involving movement such as “motions”, “rockingly”, “ridden”, and “stride” are included to give readers the sense of motion that a true rocking horse would give. The significance of the diction giving the readers the motion of the rocking horse truly engages them in the theme and has them understand the comparison of the toy horse to women. The author creates metaphors as to how women are expected to react to being treated poorly by saying how they should remain “Immobile” and “sweetlipped”(11-13). It explains how women are expected to remain quiet and always with the same smile on their face like that of a

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