
Max Weber And Modern Capitalism

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Max Weber (1864-1920), like the sociologists before him, was interested in capitalism. However, he was interested in what he dubbed “Modern Capitalism” and how it came to be. Instead of just looking at the effects of this theory, he contemplated on what allowed it to take place. To an extent, he agrees with Karl Marx on modern capitalism ability to form, but he takes it a step beyond economic conditions and adds the element of social/ religious conditions. Weber developed what he called the spirit of capitalism, which looks at modern capitalism and shows what makes modern capitalism different from speculative, commercial, adventurous, and political capitalism. He noted that in this type of capitalism people have a mentality that they need to make as much money as possible, which requires a “particular frame of mind that … strives systematically and rationally in a calling for legitimate profit” (Weber, 2009, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Pg. 80). Thus the mentality went from working to live to live to work. It was this new ethic that separated modern capitalism from the rest.
When looking at the features that allowed capitalism to come to fruition, Weber noted that a cause and effect relationship needs to occur. Weber, like Marx considered objective factors that contributed to the rise of capitalism. Marx believed that “the successful emergence of a new system was made possible by changes in the economic world. The influx of precious metals from

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