
Maus By Korematsu: An Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. This saying means in the context of this essay is that if you help that Nazi’s do awful things you’re doing to be damned and if you don’t you are punished for not being on their side. Maus is a graphic novel about the Holocaust and Korematsu is a short story about a case in 1944 that went to the Supreme Court. During war times the government uses power to make society worse. Maus has many examples of power being misused. A fellow Jew had told Vladek that the police had gone to a relatives house and no one had heard of that relative again. Vladek said “It was many, many such stories synagogues burned, Jews beaten for no reason, whole town pushing out all Jews each story worse than the other” (Spiegelman

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