QP engaged Maunica in participating in a CBT activity geared towards self-talk. QP explained to Maunica that the activity will examine how self-talk can help with anger management. QP explained to Maunica what self-talk is and provided an example. QP asked Maunica to list some positive self-talk. QP discussed with Maunica the differences between negative and positive self-talk. QP brainstormed with Maunica positive things she can say to her self when she made a mistake. QP provided Maunica with a worksheet in which he had to change negative thoughts into positive thoughts. QP asked Maunica to list three things she love about herself. QP asked Maunica to identify some things she does well. QP discussed with Maunica the use of positive self-talk
Maunica responded well to the intervention. Maunica continue to make very good progress towards her goals. Maunica stated that she is attending school regularly, and is getting along much better with her mom. Maunica stated that she is taking her medications as prescribed. Maunica stated, that she made decision of getting up and going to school every day, complete high school, doing the right things, not to calling 911, and to get along better with her mom. Maunica completed the online Q & A. Maunica stated, getting into trouble, not getting the result wanted, escalating the situation, and suspension. Maunica stated, it help with make choices, expressing feeling and thoughts, and complete something. Maunica stated, what to eat, clothes to wear,
QP engaged Nayania in participating in a CBT activity geared towards self-respect. QP explained to Nayania that the activity will her discover that the way to gain self-respect, is to behave in ways that would make her feel good about herself. QP explained to Nayania that a person gest respect, when they respect themselves and are respect to others. QP asked Nayania if she is respect herself. QP explained to Nayania the meaning of having self-respect. QP provide Nayania with a scenario in which person lost self-respect after being persuaded to steal something from a store, which caused depressed feelings. QP discussed with Nayania how the person lost their respect in the scenario and what they did to gain their self-respect back. QP asked
QP engaged Yuma in participating in a CBT activity geared towards respected behavior. QP explained to Yuma that the activity will help him learn the value of treating other with respect. QP explained to Yuma, that everyone is entitled to get respect regardless of their appearance, race, disability, origin or social status. QP discussed with Yuma the values of treating outers with respect. QP discussed with Yuma the climate of disrespect such as ridiculing others, name calling, racial insults and derogatory comments. QP asked Yuma to list the thing his peers tease other about. QP provided Yuma with a worksheet in which he had to agree or disagree with the statement. QP engaged Yuma in watching an online video, of how to show respect to others.
QMHP arrived for scheduled session. QMHP noticed that the Ms. Woodard was dressed and prepared for session. QMHP read from pamphlet on depression in woman and educated Ms. Woodard on what is depression and how depression can affect her feelings. QMHP educated Ms. Woodard on the different forms of depression and such as major depression, postpartum depression and premenstrual depression. QMHP educated Ms. Woodards on how depression can be treated. QMHP offered Ms. Woodards support by encouraging her, talking with her and listening intently to her concerns. QMHP took notes on the issues that was presented to QMHP by Ms. Woodards and listing the main stressors were not being able to go on outings as in the past. QMHP advised Ms. Woodard to contact
2. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how Jim’s self-concept impacted his interaction with his father. Was it positive or negative?
Today was the day I would have done without. The day I was caught and imprisoned. Why was I imprisoned? They strongly believe that I’m a creature. I’m in a cage bound in too many chains.
My Kayla responded well to the intervention. My-Kayla stated, that self-confidence is feeling secure of oneself and belief in one self and abilities. My-Kayla stated, helping someone, with no regards of benefit or being praised. My-Kayla stated, helping other, completing chores, being reliable, being honest, and caring. My-Kayla stated, cooking, reading, writing, and helpful. My-Kayla responded sometime. My-Kayla stated, being caring, showing the person compassionate, it give the person a sense of accomplishment, it make the person feel better about them self, and it helping someone else. My-Kayla stated, that she is a caring person. My-Kayla stated, riding her bicycle, reading, and playing soccer. My Kayla responded yes. My-Kayla stated, chore,
2. The highlights of today’s session were the discussions that my group had once we were finished with our small write-ups and reflections. 3. 3. The most meaningful thing about today’s group was the reflection and insight I gained on my problems, which was made possible by filling out a questionnaire and reflecting on my score of the amounts of stressors in my life.
First, the learner would explain to her that her actual self is comprised of the thoughts that she believes herself to be (Bordens & Horowitz, 2002). To clarify, Jamie views herself as a single mother that wants to keep her job to provide for her children. Next, the learner would explain to Jamie that her ideal self is a mental representation that is mixed with what her boss Tim would like her to be and what she would like to be (Bordens & Horowitz, 2002). For example, Jamie expresses that she wants to improve, but is afraid to ask for help to be a better case manager so that her boss can see she is trying to improve. Lastly, the learner would explain to Jamie that her ought self is another mental representation of what she truly believes she should be (Bordens & Horowitz, 2002). Jamie wants to be mentored so that she can become a better case manager for her clients. The learner would inform Jamie that there is an inconsistency between her three selves, which is guiding her behaviors to become self-motivated and improve
[Describe in a short paragraph how, in a recent conversation, your communication behavior contributed to your physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs. Which need or need took precedence? Why? Page 9]
In this case, the therapist will incorporate the technique of having Michael think optimistically, such as disregarding those remarks and keep being friendly towards those peers. Finally, the therapist will practice role-playing for a possible positive solution. In this situation, the therapist and Michael
Interpersonal communication is a key factor in discovering one’s self. The reflected appraisal theory, the development of a refrence group, self-concept and self-esteem are important aspects of the Self. In Disney Pixar’s Finding Nemo, characters use the reflected appraisal theory, the development of a refrence group, self-concept and self-esteem to help grow as individuals and make closer relationships with each other.
Maus: A Survivor's Tale, by Art Spiegelman, tells the story of his father's survival in Auschwitz during the Holocaust, as well as about Art's relationship with his father, brought out through the interview process and writing the two books. The subject matter of the two books is starkly juxtaposed with the style in which it was written, that is, it is a graphic novel. In most simple terms, the story is told in a sort of comic, with characters represented as animals based on their race or nationality (Jews are presented as mice, Germans as cats, Poles as pigs, and Americans as dogs). While the cartoon had once been reserved for rather childish and light subject matter, Spiegelman has brought it to a whole new level as a medium capable
The most recent topic that our textbook covered that I was surprised to learn about was my specific conflict style. The conflict style that I realized I was using the most is avoidance. I realized this when thinking back on the arguments I have had and how I handled them. This was something that surprised me because I never realized that I used avoidance as much as I do until I started studying this chapter. The next topic I was surprised to learn about was self- disclosure and how many times people have “violated” the principles of self-disclosure. Mainly the principle of turn taking, this is very simple concept of waiting your turn before speaking. While this is an extremely simple principle people violate it on a daily basis which surprised me to think
Have you ever thought to yourself before a game ‘wow I’m going to lose”, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m terrible at this” which was overexaggerating and de-motivating? Negative self-talk can affect your performance whether this is a decrease in your enjoyment, increase in your frustration and cause you to have increased stress or anxiety about your performance. The positive aspect about negative thoughts is that it is a learned behaviour which can be changed because if you can learn to be negative you can learn to be positive. The beneficial effect of self-talk on cognitive anxiety is consistent with theoretical statements that self-talk is the core of anxiety. Also, findings that by reducing negative or anxious self-talk results in less anxious states. This makes a lot of sense as have you ever been down on yourself and suddenly either yourself or someone else has said “you need to stop this and be happier” and all of a sudden, your entire mood changes and you are. One way to stop negative self-talk is to recognise your negative thought, have a cue to stop you whether this be saying “stop” or “no” and then take a deep breath and replace it with a rational, constructive thought.