
Matthew Reichel: Issues In The North

Decent Essays

Climate change is not real. The ice caps are not melting. Animals are not becoming endangered. Food is abundant on the land and in the sea. These are the arguments by naysayers and climate change deniers. These are the people who refuse to listen to generations of history and scientific research. These are the political administrations that will stop scientific advancements.

In this creative series, Matthew Reichel, one of the Co-founders and producers at COOP media has made it his passion to focus on the issues in the North. He strives to paint a small, yet significant picture though photo journalism by looking at the regions near and in the artic circle ethnographically, culturally, economically and geo-politically.

“We’re so used to looking at a world map as this flat item that puts these continents in a row and divides the land by ocean. But it is so rare to see a map that puts the artic right in the middle. ---When you put it in the middle, northern Russia, northern Canada, parts of northern Europe are quite close together.”

He’s learned that the stories in the North are all …show more content…

Through partnerships with the Canadian Military, 1CRPG, Matthew has luckily managed to navigate Northern Canada. He suggests that the cheapest location for starting is in Russia. It’s extremely tough, and there is quite a lot of preparation. Make sure you have batteries or waterproof pants, but that’s another story. Matthew notes that there is a certain culture in the Arctic of unlocked doors and open homes to strangers. One of Matthew’s favorite memories was how his film crew were fortunately saved by Viktor in Kamchatka, a older gentleman who lives in a cabin in the woods in the middle of the Kamchatka region. There is a sense of belonging to those who strive to live in the North. It is lonely and deadly, but the people that do survive, are some of the most resilient

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