
Mathew And Luke Compare And Contrast

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Within the new testament there are the Gospels which tell the story of Jesus Christ, Messiah. Of the four gospels three of them are considered Synoptic because they were written in a manner that is similar enough that there is a stark contrast with the 4th gospel. When thinking of the New Testament, it is disconnected from Judaism even though Jesus and most of his disciples(?) would have been Jewish. So, my goal is to explore how the gospels of Mathew and Luke differ and how those differences relate to the Jewish traditions they came from.
Of the synoptic gospels, Mathew and Luke were both written between 85 and 100 CE, after the destruction of the Second Temple. Besides the time in which they were written both of these gospels are very similar in many ways; however, this does not mean that there are not any differences. These gospels were written to …show more content…

This means that when there was still a Temple in Jerusalem as many Jews that could make the journey traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate . It is important to understand that while normally Jerusalem is a very busy city, during these three festivals the city was filled to at least carrying capacity with people from all over the kingdom. “So when Pilate saw […] that a riot was beginning, […] he washed his hands” [27.24]. with so many extra people in the city it was no wonder that Pilate both physically and metaphorically washed his hands of the matter as soon as possible to appease the crowds of people in the streets. All the extra people in the city who came to celebrate a major festival is the reason why it is such a problem that Jesus’ actions cause unrest and lead to the start of the riot that leads to Jesus’ crucifixion. It is probable that most other times of the year it would not have been as big of an issue, although most other times of the year Jesus is not in Jerusalem

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