
'Materialism In Wings' By Futhermore

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This verse from the song Wings wrote by Macklemore reflect a quite right image of today's world where the act of buying is becoming the solution to everything. As the rapper says, an object is nothing more than an object. Thus materialism is an inappropriate solution to emotional and social problems, which can result in psycological difficulties. However, Some people think that the materialism is part of human nature itself so it could really makes them happier, cooler and more fulfilled. For exemple, they think that it is natural to believe they would live better with the Bell Fiber TV because it have the best HD picture quality and a lot of features, like the play back fonction or the access to Facebook or even twitter. Although, the materialism beget is only a temporary satisfaction according to what said the Daili Lama. Moreover, this consumption to fill an emotional lack has its drawbacks. It waste time, money, energy and racks up the credit card debt. Futhermore, the past president of the Association for Consumer Research, professor Richins says …show more content…

These type of people want to show their power, their social status, by having better objects than their peers. Apple's products phenomena is a good exemple that perpetuate this idea: the more recent Iphone they have, the higher they are in the social rank. However, people who construct their indentity by buying products creat a superficial appearence. Meanwhile, they do not work on their real personnality. According to this thought the actor Will Smith also point out that overmuch people spend money they do not own on things they don't even want, because they want to impress people they dislike. Hense, a materialist is makedly more concerned with material goods and have a fewer interest in developping is intellectual, cultural or even spiritual

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