
Master Of Arts Degree In Dietetics: Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I am applying to the Coordinated Masters of Arts Degree in Dietetics. This decision is the culmination of my childhood curiosity, volunteering background, personal research, and set of life experiences that have led me to health care and equipped me for a career as a dietician.
For as long as I can remember, health care has piqued my interest. As a child, my favorite part of doctor’s appointments was looking through the auriscope at my brother’s ears. When my sister underwent surgery for an abdominal hernia, I needed my parents to explain the procedure. In fact, much of my love for health care can be attributed to their immense patience and willingness to foster my inquisitive nature. Armed with their encouragement, I knew by junior high that …show more content…

I queried her about hydrogenation, pasteurization, and food poisoning. She let me cook and write recipes. I did research, read books about fad diets, and asked her about their pros and cons. However, I never imagined nutrition being anything besides a stepping-stone on my path towards becoming a Physician’s Assistant, which had become my primary goal.
I began volunteering in underserved communities when I was twelve years old. The experiences I amassed working with children’s programs, food banks, and community-development organizations between sixth grade and graduation cultivated my desire to work with at-risk communities long term. I desired to provide holistic care to patients in these areas. As a result, I determined to augment my science education at the University of Oklahoma with medical humanities and Spanish studies, volunteering, and service …show more content…

After a brain tumor diagnosis in high school, I knew that the following months would either motivate or terminate my interest in health care. Inspired by excellent providers, who explained my prognosis and empowered my recovery, I pushed through to graduation despite a severe migraine disorder that developed after my surgery. Determined to prepare myself for a healthcare career, I trained as a Certified Nurse’s Aide before beginning my college education. Even though my migraines have plagued my college experience, I refuse to surrender to them, taking each semester as a fresh start. Each of these circumstances could have deterred me from my goals, but instead I pressed on. Because of the qualities I have developed, I plan to be a sympathetic, consistent, and tireless

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