
Mask Of Madness In Hamlet Research Paper

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare is known for creating characters that “look like the innocent flower, / But [are] the serpent under’t.” (Shakespeare) Hamlet exemplifies Shakespeare’s most notable alternate character personality. In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet dons the mask of madness to manipulate others, specifically Polonius, Claudius, and Ophelia.

Firstly, Hamlet dons the mask of madness to manipulate Polonius. Though the characters see Hamlet as mad, he is actually very sane throughout the play. When Polonius asks Hamlet what he is reading, Hamlet’s responding of “Words, words, words.” (Shakespeare II.ii.193) demonstrates that Hamlet is thinking straight. Furthermore, when asked what the matter is, his answering of “Between who?” (II.ii.195) proves that he is deliberately witty. The players’ scene also illustrates just how sane Hamlet is. Asking the players to “play the Murder of Gonzago” (II.ii.536-7) demonstrates Hamlet’s ability to seize the opportunity to expose Claudius’s guilt. Hamlet’s …show more content…

Hamlet suspects that Polonius and Claudius are behind Ophelia’s betrayal of him, and so he uses this opportunity to tell Ophelia to “go thy ways to a nunnery.” (III.i.130); where she could live free from the influence of man, which is clearly corrupting her. Hamlet also declares that he and Ophelia will “have no more marriage;” (III.i.149), effectively ending his relationship. Hamlet is not legitimately mad however, as he is quickly able to realize that Ophelia has been sent to set him up. He realizes that others must be watching, and so he does his best to persuade Claudius and Polonius of his madness. Hamlet’s sanity is also shown by his ability to actually protect Ophelia and at the same time convince the eavesdroppers of his madness. Hamlet’s madness allows him to expertly manipulate Ophelia by trying to get her to safety, without letting on that his madness is actually not

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