
Masculinity And Its Impact On Society

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Women freely express themselves by chatting about their insecurities and issues, but as for men, they don’t meet up and start listing their concerns. It’s uncommon for men to voice their emotions and they’re heavily criticized when they do. Social platforms and the media have deeply influenced today 's’ generations by changing their perspectives of masculinity. Masculinity is becoming an ongoing debate on what it means to be masculine. Masculine traits are defined as having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man. These qualities include being strong, rugged, dominant, and powerful. Social platforms and media have defined masculinity over the years to standardize the ideal male body type, appearance, social norms, …show more content…

The “accepted” male type buys brand clothes, flashy cars, is heterosexual, handsome, tall, with pretty girlfriends, athletic, and strong. These characteristics create a social rank in schools, workplaces, and groups of friends (Phillips, 514). It is not ideal for everyone to become popular, many are outcasts and are not accepted because they do not fit this criterion. This has created the list of outcasts male traits: homosexual, weakling, wears glasses, unfashionable, unathletic, emotional, and no attachments with girls whatsoever (Phillips, 513-514). The average guy spends too much time trying to meet these unrealistic expectations and this causes a decrease in one 's self-esteem. These traits are often seen on social platforms that have caused men to look at themselves and ask, “Am I good enough? Do girls find me attractive?” These social norms have created unhealthy and unrealistic ideals for men. Myers mentioned in his article that this generation of young discouraged, angry men feeling abandoned in today’s norms. Male movie stars and athletes have further influenced the masculine norms. In a male’s perspective, liking a feminine color, feminine behavior, or listening to girly music is considered to be less manly. Males are taught to be the man of the house, strong, powerful, but sometimes they’re belittled by society because of their incapabilities for some tasks and all the power is

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