
Mary Shelly's Influence On Frankenstein

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Literature is a world of knowledge, written works, understanding, and creativity. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, she creates a story that explores a young scientist, Frankenstein, who has constructed a grotesque creature through a scientific experiment. With this story, Shelley is able to add aspects of her own experiences throughout her life to enhance the story of Frankenstein. In order to create Frankenstein, Mary Shelley used her life and others to include a sense of reality.
First, Mary Shelley used her life as inspiration. She takes into account of how her life has been able to influence her writing and creative flow to generate an effective story. Her childhood has been filled with several events that she was able to use in correlation …show more content…

As Betty T. Bennett observes, Mary Shelley’s antipathy to the separation of individual interests and public interests come naturally to the daughter of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. Her family’s legacy and reputation have put a level of expectations on her as a writer. With her mom’s impact, she was able to add aspects to the story that represents both perspectives and showcase her beliefs. According to Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley, claims Shelley’s own mother, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-97), had been a famous advocate of female education and by the end of the 18th century enlightened parents ensured that their daughters studied geography, mathematics, and chemistry. With huge contributions from her mom, Mary Shelley was able to combine her writing with a mixture of personal and fictional outlooks. Shelley’s family role in her life gave her many influential details to play off of and connect with in Frankenstein. The majority of the elements in Frankenstein were able to come into play because of her experience and overview of various events that occurred in her life. Being that the text …show more content…

This further motivated her to create a magnificent force of talent and imagination with the work of Frankenstein. Furthermore, as Shelley progressed in her life, personal circumstances like marriage, was involved heavily with her writing abilities and Frankenstein. Being married to a poet, she coexisted and collaborated with her husband consistently. They were translated idea and perspective through a creative and imaginative process. “In particular, Mary Shelley’s work with both her father and husband has been previously and valuably explored by scholars. The new volume you are holding contains essays whose authors consider biography as a peripheral factor of their primary focus upon the texts themselves. These essays seek rather to expand critical consideration further into Mary Shelley’s placement within larger Romantic period contexts. For it is clear that she was indeed a very active participant in the age we call Romantic, and thus it seems only fitting to investigate the ways in which her texts converse with those her family or her circle and her contemporaries.” Analyzing and dissecting her work like

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