
Mary Oliver's Wild Geese

Decent Essays

Mary Oliver, the author of “Wild Geese” was born in Ohio in 1935. She began writing poetry at the young age of 14. Oliver was inspired by Edna St. Vincent Millay’s work (Poetry Foundation). In the 1950’s Oliver spent time studying at Ohio State University and Vassar College; around the same time she met her partner of 40 years, Molly Malone Cook (Gianoulis). In the 1960’s she moved to Provincetown New England. She later won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1984. During the time she wrote Wild Geese she was a Poet in Residence at Bucknell University.
Oliver mostly kept to herself and did very few interviews, saying she preferred her writing to speak for itself (WordPress). She was known to frequently go on walks near her home to gain inspiration for the imagery in her poems, as nature was a profound inspiration for her. Most of the poetry she wrote, came from memories of the places she called home, Ohio and Provincetown New England.
Mary Oliver wrote “Wild Geese” in 1986, during the time Ronald Reagan was president and there was a societal shift toward conservatism (Cengage Learning ). People started focusing on bringing old fashioned values back; therefore, creating less toleration for individuals and groups who fit outside that box. One such person, …show more content…

Owen was the oldest of four children, born to his father, a railway station master and his artistic mother (Poetry Foundation). Owen developed an especially close bond with this mother growing up. After graduating in 1911, he went on to work in the parish, taking care of the ill, while also reading and beginning to write poetry. His inspiration of poetry came from English Romantic poets, such as John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Later, he began teaching at the Berlitz School of Languages and tutoring in France. In October of 1915 he decided to enlist in the military, where he went off to fight in World War

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