
Mary Oliver

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Mary Oliver in her poem, ‘Not Anyone Who Says” explores the idea of true love and its origins. She expresses the idea of true love and that someone cannot scheme or plan it, but rather an experience that is natural and wholesome. The beginning lines open with the thought that there are two different outlooks of love. Shown in the lines, “Not anyone who says,” already beginning with a contrast from the other view, and following with, “I'm going to be careful and smart when in the matters of love” laying out the view being challenged. Oliver claims the two intentions, one being unrealistic since it's a planned matter and the other being pleasing since it's genuine. Oliver's theme is revealed in the next few lines. Going against the organized …show more content…

End-stopped lines give meaning to pauses while reading, creating a sense of reflection from the audience. In this case, the end-stopped lines invite the reader to contemplate the idea of the approach to love. On the other hand, there are run-on lines, also known as enjambment, which in the textbook is described as, “one in which the sense of the lines moves without pause on into the next line.” This creates a kind of continuous flow from one thought to the next without the thought-provoking pauses. Enjambment in the poem is mentioned in the lines, "but only those lovers who didn’t choose at all but were.chosen by something invisible and powerful and uncontrollable and beautiful and possibly even unsuitable —" Here the run-on liens are used to convey the idea that love is not easily controlled which can also be expressed by the fact the lines are just a flow of ideas. The use of both end-stopped lines and run-on lines in Mary Oliver's poem "Not Anyone Who Says" serves to illustrate the complexity of the theme: the deliberate choices in love and the uncontrollable, mysterious aspects of

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