
Marxism In The Handmaids Tale

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Religion Magnifies Males' Mindsets
Religions influence followers to put faith as their first priority—encouraging them to devote their lives to God. Unfortunately, this complete control of their lives creates ideal followers without individuality or uniqueness, which renders one follower as powerless. For example, monotheocracies have control over two major societal aspects: religion and the government. Moreover, they rule their people through religion and governmental policies allowing oppression, similar to how Iran influences their people through religious holy wars (jihads) and veils for women (hijabs). A Marxist view of Iran critiques religion's impact on the oppressed recognizing and reacting to their suffering. In The Handmaid's Tale, …show more content…

If a Wife is angry with a Handmaid, the Wife "can hit" the Handmaid due to a "scriptural precedent" (Atwood 16). This rendition of The Bible lets Wives control Handmaids through brutality. Likewise, Commanders say God rewards wives that give their maids to their husbands, which allows Wives to let Handmaids have sex with Commanders (Atwood 90). Nonetheless, this is harsh for Wives as they let the Commanders cheat on them. This is a productive, yet terrible way to get children. Accordingly, Aunts tell Handmaids God says females shall birth "in sorrow" (Atwood 114). Hence, Gilead does not allow pain-relieving drugs during childbirth, furthering the pain to support its class structure without hindering an accent on …show more content…

After recognizing a man as a "preacher,” Offred describes him as an "earnest . . . dark eye[d] . . . businessm[a]n" (Atwood 82). Preachers spread religion as a commodity with "use value" (Tyson 62) since a believer earns eternal life. Conversely, this commodity has a grave, evil, and important purpose: to make people work for evil with a grave knowledge of who is in charge. In other words, religious followers do everything, including adverse tasks, without knowing why. Likewise, this faith in God includes his Eyes and the watching they do on His behalf (Atwood 193). Despite an inhuman privacy loss, women progress with their lives knowing the Eyes serve religious and grievous governmental purposes. Furthermore, a praying religious ceremony, Prayvaganza, occurs when nuns become subordinate Handmaids, (Atwood 220) despite the nuns' previous religious lives. A Handmaid's oppressed life is celebrated via religion to ensure complete cooperation with the monotheocracy (through preachers exploiting religion) despite separating from religion when retiring life as a

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