
Marvin E. Rutherford Essay

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Marvin E. Rutherford was a chemical engineer and inventor from Abilene, Texas. Between 1923 and 1938, he had several automotive, and one agricultural, inventions to his credit. [endnote: list all of his inventions, and refer to his FBI complaint of 1941 for verification]. Rutherford also developed two major aircraft components; an “Aero-Silencer” aircraft muffler system, and an improved Self-Sealing Aircraft Fuel Tank--hereafter referred to as the SSAFT. [endnote: first, the date of the muffler system invention, and then indicate the SSAFT was a third-generation design system, however, it still qualified for patenting. Also refer to his FBI complaint of 1941]. The SSAFT system was by far the most advanced design Rutherford was responsible for, and should it have fallen into the wrong hands, it would have …show more content…

When the designs were confirmed missing, Rutherford filed a report with the Dallas Field Office of the FBI, while Arnold routed the matter through his chain of command. Rutherford’s report was taken seriously, and was forwarded to J. Edgar Hoover, who in turn routed it to the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Matthew McGuire. [endnote: cite his comments in the FBI report] Unfortunately, Rutherford had used so many “cloak and dagger” methods that the Department of Justice could not substantiate the evidence, therefore, the federal investigation was closed in the Fall of 1941. J. Edgar Hoover, however, had identified Charles Lindbergh as a person of interest, and had established a “file” as Hoover was known to do. While Lindbergh’s file grew, nothing more was done about Rutherford’s claim. However, in the days following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Rutherford’s invention and report would find their way to the desk of President Roosevelt. Both of these facts will be discussed in a later

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