
Martin Seligman Positive Psychology

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Positive Psychology is defined as “…the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities and organizations to thrive” (Gable & Haidt, 2005, Sheldon & King, 2001, as cited by Positive Psychology Institute). According to Martin Seligman, one of Positive Psychology’s pioneers, positive psychology consists of three major components- “pleasure and gratification”, “strength and virtue”, & “meaning and purpose”. He believes that the road to “lasting fulfillment” is a journey in which an individual must pass through each component in chronological order. (Seligman) According to Seligman, the first step in the journey to happiness, “pleasure and gratification,” can be accomplished by having a positive outlook on life. This includes being more receptive of the belief that negative past experiences can be helpful learning opportunities and by having positive expectations for the future. Seligman also suggests that expressing gratefulness and forgiveness while holding back from expressing and dwelling on negative emotions can lead to a …show more content…

These are some of the features to having a ‘good character’, which has been proven through studies to having a significant relation to having a more thorough and enduring happiness. Seligman defines strengths as “moral traits that can be developed, learned, and that take effort.” He believes that strengths are different from talents which are developed ‘naturally’ because they can lead to the development of some of the “core virtues”, such as being patient and pleasant temperament. It is thought that using our strengths in everyday life can lead to significant increases in happiness.

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