
Martin Luther's 95 Theses Document Analysis

Decent Essays

Martin Luther was a monk in the early 1500s, some of his most historical impacts consisted of the writing of his 95 theses, his excommunication from the Catholic Church, and when he founded the Lutheran Church. What most people do not know is that Martin’s father wanted him to become a lawyer and took Martin’s joining into the church as an act of rebellion (

Martin Luther was only 34 when he made his first big contribution to history, which was writing his 95 Theses. The reason Luther wrote this document in 1517 was because he did not agree with the Catholic Church selling indulgences. Indulgences are a payment people would make to the Church instead of serving their penance, and their sins would be forgiven. The 95 Theses was a list of things that Luther thought the church was doing wrong. This document had two main ideas, and they also happen …show more content…

This was his excommunication from the Catholic Church. Martin was excommunicated on January third 1521, by Pope Leo X. The reason Luther was excommunicated was because he had written the 95 Theses and when he was told to take back what he said he had refused to do so ( Staff. “Martin Luther Excommunicated.”). Being excommunicated meant that no Christians could help Martin. People could not talk, rent, feed, or do anything for him. Even family could not have any contact with him. The Church believes that if a person is excommunicated, they will not go to heaven because the person’s soul is not pure (Karen). Martin’s bad luck did not end with his excommunication. Three months after he was called to defend his beliefs before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Martin still would not take back what he said, so he was pronounced a heretic and was not allowed to be helped by anyone under Charles rule. Martin was taken in by a prince and protected, feed, clothe and shelter ( Staff. “Martin Luther

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