
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter To Birmingham

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Martin Luther King, Jr. was part of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He was invited by an affiliate organization in Birmingham to go there and be involve in the nonviolent movement. When he arrived in Birmingham, he was arrested. In jail, King wrote a letter to the clergymen in which he expressed his thoughts and the urgency of the problem with segregation in Birmingham. King’s views in the letter strongly reflect the ideas of Plato, Descartes, Rousseau, and Mill. In King’s letter from the Birmingham Jail, he stated that there are two types of laws, just and unjust laws. “An unjust law is a code inflicted upon a minority which that minority had no part in enacting or creating…” The laws in Birmingham were unjust because black …show more content…

People used to take what was told as the truth. Descartes’ view was to doubt everything. When one doubts the church and the king, it put their power in danger. In Martin Luther King’s case, he doubted the Birmingham laws. He is challenging Birmingham. He and his fellow followers were courageous to do the non-violent actions like marches. Challenging the Birmingham laws had resulted in police action to attempt to stop these marches. The marchers were beaten brutally by the police and faced tremendous trauma with the mad dogs. The police’s action further proved the unjustness of the Birmingham laws. If the laws were just, then they would not be worrying about these forms of challenge to the laws, and therefore they would not try to stop these marches from …show more content…

In Utilitarianism, Mill promoted the idea of the greatest good for the greatest number. This was similar to what King was trying to say. Why not desegregate. African Americans should have the chance to pursue what they wanted to do instead of being limited. By getting rid of segregation it did not cause harm to any party, instead, it can create limitless benefit in the future. Economically, when segregation is banned, blacks and whites are allowed to purchase goods from the same store. As a result, African Americans are satisfied, and the storeowners are happy because they gain more profit. The highest level of pleasure is moral pleasure. By removing the morally unjust laws, people of Birmingham should gain the highest level of pleasure. In this case everyone is happy and, therefore, the greatest good for the greatest number is

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