
Martin Dugard's The Explorers

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His most recent book “The Explorers: A Story of Fearless Outcasts, Blundering Geniuses, and Impossible Success” published in 2014, is a story about two adventurers; Richard Francis Burton and John Hanning Speke who set off to find the origin of river Nile in 1856, parting ways, and leaving a path of controversy. This book is just another example of Dugard’s excellence in research and pinning down of the characters to get to the facts of the historical events. He meshes these disciplines with his own experiences and brings to the public a human perspective to historical events. Martin Dugard currently continues to write in a blog on his website with inspirational excerpts from his life as a running coach, as well as another project; a “script about a coach and his distance runners” (Dugard). He continues to follow the show “Survivor” and he will be attending the shows finale in the next couple of weeks where he will lend his expertise. …show more content…

The “Killing Kennedy” book was an investigative exercise rich with conspiracy theories and contemporary networks that helped the co-authors discover information never published to expose potential truths, or at least start conversations. Their collaboration on these books may resemble detective work with the two working in concert utilizing their personal strengths; O’Reilly conducting interviews with key persons and Dugard taking those transcripts and crafting an interesting recounting of facts, complete with the real-life drama Dugard’s writing affords. The education that O’Reilly had obtained in history and his excellence in journalism, along with Dugard’s penchant for doggedly running down detailed facts and attention to the human condition come together to create a historically accurate, dramatic

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