
Martial Law For Riots And Uprising

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Introduction Martial law was enacted in many countries dating back to 1775 and was used primarily for the purpose of state emergencies in many countries due to natural disasters. It was when the civilian government was deemed ineffective or civilian lives were in imminent danger that martial law began taking a more extensive role. The Organic Act, suspended the basic privileges of civilians, constitutional rights and the writ of habeas corpus (a court order giving a person the right to a hearing for lawful imprisonment).1 To what extent was martial law implemented was determined by the territorial governor and the President and to what defining rules martial law would have on that territory. There have been notable occasions in the history of the United States implementing martial law for riots and uprising. We see such instances of the force and damaging effects of martial law in most recent history during the uprising in Egypt, urging the president to step down from office. American History has shown us the extent and severity of Hawai’i under martial law during World War II. What made this event so historic was the amount of U.S. citizens held under martial law and duration of this law. History During World War II, tensions were rising between the U.S. and Japan soon after the U.S. acquired the Hawaiian Islands as a U.S. territory in 1898. This prompted the immediate reinforcement of Oahu, the third largest island of Hawai’i. In 1908, the decision was then made

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