
Marshmallow Experiment Research Paper

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Marshmallow Experiment The marshmallow experiment is all about self-control and if you're willing to wait more time to benefit yourself at the end and how important it is.The experiment was tested on six hundred children. This experiment is to say if the child will have behavioral problems when they are older or what SAT scores they will get. The Marshmallow experiment is tested on children of four years of age.When the child is seated in a small room they are made an offer by Mischel.The offer is that they could either eat one marshmallow right away,or if they were willing to wait fifteen minutes while he ran an errand,they would be able to eat two marshmallows. The majority of four year olds wanted to eat the marshmallow right away.”They didn't even bother ringing the bell. Other kids would stare directly at the marshmallow and then ring the bell 30 seconds later”(Jonah Lehrer). Kids would rather eat a marshmallow right away than to be patient and be rewarded with two marshmallows. …show more content…

Mishel was impressed on how different were the kids that waited for the two marshmallows were from the kids that ate one right away.The kids that waited for two marshmallows would score two hundred and ten points higher than the kid who couldn't wait. “The children who rang the bell within a minute were much more likely to have behavioral problems, both in school and at home.”(jonah lehrer). The kids often had also have had trouble paying attention and problems with their

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