
Marshall Mcluhan The Medium Is The Message

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The Medium of the Message and Mass Communication Throughout “The Medium is the Message”, Marshall McLuhan makes an effort to use Aristotle’s appeals to his advantage. McLuhan organizes his text in a way where he makes an argument but then immediately supports his argument with a valid source. From Shakespeare to professional economists, his sources continue to prove to be liable. Through the use of Aristotle’s appeals and justifying the text with a different source, McLuhan claims that in no matter what sense, the medium is more important than the individual message. Summarization of “The Medium is the Message”
McLuhan begins his text by examining our culture individually. He states, “it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be …show more content…

McLuhan’s main argument demonstrates that the medium is more important than the message, due to the fact that without the medium, the message is in a state of absence. Automation appeals as a main factor in how McLuhan begins his argument. McLuhan looks at automation as a message. McLuhan goes on to support it with, “Many people would be disposed to say that it was not the machine, but what one did with the machine.” (McLuhan, 107). McLuhan takes note that people only focus on the finished product, the message, while the process gets overlooked countlessly. For instance; fans do not see Kobe Bryant shoot in the gym for countless hours, but yet see him score 50 points in a single basketball …show more content…

McLuhan does an outstanding job bringing in other credible and relevant sources, other than himself, to bring more credit to his arguments. As already mentioned, he uses Shakespeare to state the, “increasing awareness of the action of media” (McLuhan, 111). Being aware of the process is more important than being aware of the final result. When a student learns good study habits, the chances increase of receiving a better grade on the upcoming test. The student isn't worried about only performing well during the exam, but at the library learning the material that he or she is being tested on. McLuhan also goes into detail on how, “the paradox of mechanization is that although it is itself the cause of maximal growth and change, the principle of mechanization excludes the very possibility of growth or the understanding of change” (McLuhan, 110) It’s not expected to understand why these changes happen, just as it’s not expected to understand how the medium is the result of the message or the process. In this case, mechanization relates to the message as the “fragmentation of any process” (McLuhan, 110) relates to the

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