Mars a small, reddish planet that is the fourth in order from the Sun and is periodically visible to the naked eye. Mars is the second-smallest planet in the solar system only Mercury is smaller. In comparison to Earth, Mars is about half (53 percent) the size of Earth, but considering Mars is a desert planet, it has the same amount of dry land as Earth. Mars has a diameter of 4, 222 miles (6, 794 km), but from pole to pole the diameter would be 4,196 mile (6,752 km). Also, of course the radius of Mars would be half of the diameter. The circumference of Mars around the equator is approximately 13,000 miles (21, 342 km), but from pole-to-pole Mars is only 13,200 miles (21,144 km) around. This shape is called an oblate spheroid, an oblate …show more content…
Both are also made up of material that resembles type one or type 2 carbonaceous chondrites, the substance that makes up asteroids. Moreover, the average temperature of Mars is negative 65 degrees Celsius (negative 85 degrees Fahrenheit). Earth’s average temperature is 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit). In comparison to the ranging temperatures in the solar system Mars wouldn’t be particularly cold nor hot, but to a human being this would be extremely cold .In addition, the planet Mars is named after the Roman God of war being, “The Red Planet.” Also Mars appearance is reddish making that another factor of why Mars is called’ “The Red Planet.” Mars was to believed to have a reddish appearance in color as early as the time of the Ancient Egyptians. Back then, they called it Har Decher, which means “Red One.” The color red is presence is due to the iron oxide dust that covers the surface only a few millimeters thick. Mars atmosphere also contains a variety of other elements, including titanium, chlorine and sulfur. However, only 18 missions to Mars have been …show more content…
Scientist are not cognitive to whether there is active volcanism or not below the planet’s surface. Constant volcanic activity from the three largest volcanoes on Mars built up a region referred to the Tharsis Bulge (or Tharsis Rise). The region has had about the same mass as the dwarf planet Ceres, and it may have affected the planet’s rotation rate also as mentioned prior being an eccentric orbit. It has also been implicated in Mars plate tectonics and possibly also changes in its climate. Equally important, Mars shows a dry, dusty, and rocky surface. The Southern half of the planet is much more rugged, with many more craters and highlands. The Northern half of Mars has an abundance amount of smooth basins and what appear to be dry lakebeds and sinuous (having many curves and turns) riverbeds. This difference in surface characteristics is called the Martian dichotomy. Impact craters account for part of the dichotomy (contrast), and planetary (funded organization for exploring space) scientists suspect that long-melted glaciers may have carved out the terrain in other regions of
Mars is the planet that is most similar to earth for various reasons like similar seasonal patterns.
20. Although it is much colder on Mars than on Earth, the similar tilt of Earth’s and Mars’ axes means they have similar seasons. Like Earth's, Mars’ north and south polar caps shrink in the summer and grow in the winter. In addition, a day on Mars is 24 hours 37 minutes—nearly the same as Earth’s. No other planet shares such similar characteristics with Earth.e 21. Mars’ seasons are twice as long as those on Earth because it takes Mars 687 days to orbit the sun, twice as long as Earth’s 365-day journey.a 22. With no large moon like Earth’s to stabilize it, Mars periodically tilts much more toward the sun, creating warmer summers on Mars than it otherwise would have.d 23. The Earth’s moon is 240,000 miles away. Earth’s next closest neighbor is Venus, which comes as near as 24 million miles. After the moon and Venus, Mars is our next closest neighbor at 34 million miles away—though when Mars and Earth are at the opposite sides of their orbits around the sun, they are separated by 249 million miles.e 24. Mars is home to Hellas, a vast and featureless plain that covers 1300 miles (the size of the Caribbean Sea). It was created by asteroids crashing into the planet’s surface of Mars
How similar or different are Mars and Earth’s atmosphere? To start, Earth is mainly composed of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and argon (1%). Secondary compositions include the following: carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, xenon, ozone, iodine, carbon monoxide and ammonia ( On the other hand, the following is the composition of Mars atmosphere: Carbon dioxide (95.32%), Nitrogen (2.7%), Argon (1.6%), Oxygen (0.13%) and carbon monoxide (0.08%) ( The atmosphere of Mars is cold and thin, making life exist difficult. To elaborate, liquid water currently can’t exist on any manner of surface on Mars ( To continue, dust storms add to the pain of the thin atmosphere and make life even more difficult to not exist. These dust storms can completely cover the entire planet for whole months at a time ( On the other side of the spectrum, it can even snow on Mars - making the north and south
Mars is a planet with 36% of gravity to compared the Earth. If on Earth are 100 pounds on Mars it would weigh 36 pounds. Temperature on Mars may reach -81 degrees F and 39 degrees F. Martian summer are short and hot and winters are long and cold. Mars floor is dry and oxidizing. It also receives to many ultraviolet rays. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide. Has only 0.03% of water that is a thousand times less than the Earth.
Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, has a reddish surface geology resembling blood. This is where it gets the name given to it, which comes from the Roman God of War. It's orbital rotation cycle is once every 24.6 hours - nearly identical to one day on Earth. Also similar to Earth, the equator of Mars leans to one side. As it orbits the Sun, therefore, Mars experiences the same day and night cycles as does planet
Mars, the red planet, has craters, volcanoes, and canyons. In addition, Mars has Olympus Mons, the largest volcano
Mars is an interesting and mysterious planet. It is often referred to as the Red Planet. The Romans named Mars after the god of war. The rocks, soil, and sky all have a red hue on account of rust. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun at about 141 million miles (228 million kilometers) and the last terrestrial planet from the Sun. Mars follows closely behind Earth but is comparatively smaller, with about half the diameter of Earth (6,794-km) and about one-tenth of Earth s mass (6.419 x 1023 kg). Thus the force of gravity on Mars is about one-third of that on Earth. Mars is probably the planet we know the most about since it is so close to Earth, though what we know now is not even close to everything about the planet. Over
Mars has many components. Its atmosphere is made of water vapor and carbon dioxide. Due to the fact that Mars has a thin atmosphere, it has more extreme seasons than Earth . The average temperature ranges from -81 *F to -65 * F. Its lowest temperature is - 284 * F and the highest being 86 * F. Mars crust is made up of rocks, iron (which gives it its red color ) and also some ice and snow. Mars has a mantle like Earth and the core which scientist are not sure what it is made up of.
For years, planet Mars has been in the NASA spotlight. The Red Planet has been explored as images, atmoshpere samples and samples of various surface formations have been collected to continue research in labortories here on Earth. The year of 1965 marked the beginiing of the Mars Program, and ever since rocket born cameras, spacecraft voyages, and other advanced technologies have been a part of the explorations.
The orbits of Earth and Mars are not perfect circles, and as a result their distance from the sun varies. The average distance from the sun will be used in this investigation. The average distance of Earth from the sun is 1AU or 149,600,000,000m, while the average distance of Mars from the sun is 1.52AU or 227,940,000,000m (Universe Today). These points can be used to find the semi-major axis
In addition, the crust of Mars contains more volatile elements such as sulfur and chlorine than Earth.
Mars has red soil since the surface is rusted in that it is rich in Iron Oxide. It is rusted because iron, when left outside, reacts with the water and oxygen in the air to form a rust (iron oxide) cover over the surface of the entire planet. This layer of rust is thin so if you look closely at the planet, you can see many different colors. Some regions may appear brown while others might be black or even bright orange (Zalutskaya. A, Zalutskii, Sed'mov, A, & Kuz"min, R, 2015) .
Mars is big enough to have undergone most of the early processes that shaped the other terrestrial planets: accretion (or the melding of space debris), melting, core separation and differentiation, and subsequent cooling by conduction, convection and volcanism. So an understanding of Mars' evolution can essentially be translated into an understanding of Mercury, Venus, Earth and the Moon's evolution, too.
From the image taken from space, it is clearly to see that Mars has the ancient fluvial-like surface features. Thus, many scientists predict that they were formed by the action of water. Currently, Liquid water does not flow on the surface of Mars. However, permanent ice caps were found at both of Mars’ poles, and they are mostly made up of solid carbon dioxide. Additionally, significant amounts of hydrogen was found in the upper soils of Mars (Smith et al., 2011). If Mars is wet many years ago, it may be went through a long-term climatic changes. From previous missions, a plenty of olivine was found around the landing sites of the Sight Rover. The finding of the olivine give an indication that Mars may be experienced some physical weathering processes, because the resistant minerals such as olivine has a significant interaction with the Martian atmosphere (Schröder et al.,
Mars is its own world where it sits 42 million miles from the sun, making it a very cold planet. Mars has an average of about -81 degrees F. Mars orbits the sun 14.5 miles per second, which seems fast to us, but in the space world, it just shows how far the orbit around the sun is. In Earth years, it takes Mars 668 days to orbit the Sun. Mars’ atmosphere is mostly made up of carbon dioxide, with some water vapor. Mars’ volumetric mean radius is 3389.5 kilometers. Its polar radius is 3376.2 kilometers. The equatorial radius is 3396.2 kilometers. Mars’ equatorial circumference is 21339 kilometers. The radius of Mars’ core is 1,700 kilometers. Lastly, the surface area of Mars is 144,371,391 square kilometers.