The article I chose is about how marriage and religion can affect someone’s life. The article says that people with religious involvement often experience more positive outcomes when trying to recover from a health problem. Religious and married people tend to have a higher average longevity as well. These two factors also positively influence mental health. People associated with a religion tend to have higher self esteem, less anxiety and less chance of drug and alcohol abuse than someone who is not actively participating in a religion. Economic well being also sees a positive correlation. The main things that makes marriage and religion so beneficial is that both of these give a person someone or something to support them. It gives people
Christopher Ellison and Jinwoo Lin suggest that aspects of religious participation have beneficial effects on mental health. Religiousness may even play a role in mortality risk (Ellison and Levin 1998; George 2002; Smith 2003). This may be a result of the solace and comfort religion can provide to a person. In addition, religion offers guidance, strength, hope and coping practices as well as a built-in support system via the person’s congregation. Although some
The striking Christian concept of marriage theology, in which God is understood as having an allegorical and spiritual marriage with His people, showed both great change and great constancy in the face of the challenges of the Protestant Reformation. Some concepts, such as the importance of unity in conceptualizing mystical marriage, were constant characteristics of marriage theology, although varying in emphasis. Other concepts, such as mystical marriage as sacramental, were distinctly Catholic and rejected by later Protestants. By comparing the ideas of Bernard of Clairvaux and Gertrude of Helfta, monastic theologians preceding the Reformation, with the ideas of Francis Rous and Cotton Mather, Puritan theologians following the Reformation, the impact of early Protestant concerns on marriage theology will be observed.
Religion serves as a gatekeeper for most communities and for intercultural and interracial marriages and relationships. Religion help people define there social group identity and influences how individuals perceive
The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal loyalty, the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock, a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, these definitions describe one of Gods greatest honors given to man . Marriage is the binding of two people into one union. In today’s society people get married and the easy way out of the situation is to get a divorce. In some cases there is nothing else to do, but there are also people who are selfish and do not want to be held down. In this paper I am going to show you the customs and traditions of marriages before Christ, compared to the
Out of all the religions out there, Jews and Mormons are the healthiest. This includes their overall quality of life, emotional and physical health, healthy behavior habits, job satisfaction, and the access they have to doctors. People who consider themselves to be very religious are scored to be the healthiest than those who are not that religious. People who have a deadly disease or illness usually strengthen their feelings about their faith in god and religion. Religion and health also have relations to each other, because people who believe in god or some type of god are less stressed than others who are non-believers. However, existing research strongly suggests that religion is related to health, affects a wide range of health behaviors, and influence decisions or whether people seek health care and the type of medical care they seek (George, Kinghorn, Koenig, Gammon, & Blazer, 2013). Religion beliefs and behaviors influence health behaviors and lifestyle choices (George, Kinghorn, Koenig, Gammon, & Blazer,
In Chapter 10 of Positive Psychology, Compton and Hoffman outline the relationship between religion and well-being. “Researchers have hypothesized that religion impacts mental and physical health.” (pg. 233) Examples of how religion can influence aspects of life is that it can provide social support and promote healthy lifestyles.
Religion and the Bible encourage, and perhaps demand marriage from two individuals to create them as one. The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him (Genesis 2:18)". "That at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate (Mathew: 19:4-6)". Why does religion place such an importance on a union of marriage? An answer is suggestively related as to why automobile and health insurance companies provide a discount on their policies when filing married. According to State Farm Auto Insurance, two married individuals are much more likely to accept upon themselves responsibility, maturity, and a longer healthier and more satisfying life. Insurance agencies believe your life will be more structured and meaningful, to provide you with a policy. Living alone or entering and departing unstable casual
Some people may argue that religion will continue to be a part of everyday life, and the idea of religion is going to stay around indefinitely. Patrick Fagan, author of the article “Why Religion Matters” goes on to say “Religious practice appears to have enormous potential for addressing today's social problems.” Actively participating in religion has high potential to benefit mental health, lead to higher self esteem, and greater family and marital happiness. Consequently, religion also has been shown to help repair broken relationships. Therefore, people often seek religion when in times of need.
Christians believe that marriage is a gift from God, one that should not be taken for granted. It is the right atmosphere to engage in sexual relations and to build a family life. Getting married in a church, in front of God, is very important.
Marriage is seen as a religious practice but in this case I would consider the marriage taking place in the “Chapel of Love” as a non-religious practice. When a marriage takes place under religious practice it would be officiated by a religious figure head for example a priest who wants the couple getting married to uphold the religious beliefs of marriage. Elvis on the other hand does not have the religious authority over a marriage, does not represent one religious belief or another, so therefore there is no connection of religion and marriage. The couple themselves could be getting married in Las Vegas because of their religious beliefs on marriage but the actual ceremony itself taking place is nonreligious because it would not be done
“Marriage is not about religion, atheists marry. Marriage is not about procreation, the infertile marry. Marriage is not about finance, it can [survive] poverty. Marriage is about love. And that’s beautiful.” - Unknown
Cultures and countries around the world have differing views on many topics such as whether or not babies should be baptized, vaccinations, abortion and marriages. One topic that has been of controversy and is viewed differently in many countries is marriage and whether or not arranged marriages are better than love marriages. There are several different reasons why people in India believe that arranged marriages are the best; likewise, people in Western countries such as the United States believe that love marriages are best. Most westerners have a misconception on arranged marriages. An arranged marriage is a marital union where the groom and the bride are chosen by a third party, such as a mother, father, grandfather or grandmother. Most often confused with a forced marriage, which is where the bride and groom are chosen by a third party and are forced to marry each other or suffer the consequences. In western countries, marriages are considered “love marriages” where the bride and groom select each other and decide to get married based on their love and affection for one another. Even though arranged marriages and love marriages greatly differ from one another and each has advantages and disadvantages, neither one is better than the other in the long run.
It is because of Coontz that we know that different family lifestyles have been present in human culture from the beginning of time and persist into the present day. Although it has been established that the “traditional” family does not actually exist, there are certain trends that are expected when it comes to current relationships and marriages. The trends reflect a culture that has continued without much change until just recently. For example, the women in relationships are constantly being undervalued and this has caused continuous inequality between genders. It is because of this that there is evidence to support the idea that the institution of marriage stems from a disparity amongst genders regarding overall satisfaction, as well as provides support for the growing selfishness that is present in society. As Americans continue to produce the newest forms of technology, political and economic ideas have begun to shift, as well. Because of the differences in opinions, norms that were once die-hard trends are simply afterthoughts when it comes to entering a relationship. The changes that are constantly being made drag along with it a new school of thought and redefine the institutions of marriage and serious relationships as we know them.
Marital happiness are at the highest levels when both husband and wife agree God is the center of their family. A high percentage of extremely connected couples pray together. On the other hand, a higher percentage of disconnected people do not. Divorce rates among many married baby boomers who regularly attend church are lower than couples who do not. Additionally, the divorce rate among couples who attend church is not the same as the general public. When couples attend church regularly, it substantially lowers their chances of divorce versus those who do not attend church
Growing up, marriage had never been something that was a topic of conversation until the middle school stage. Around that age is the time where boys and girls start experimenting with dating. The phrase “I love you” would slip out a little too early in the relationship, and the “let’s get married” thought would come in right after that. Then there were people like me who would hear those words fall from a boy’s mouth, and then we would roll our eyes. Not every girl seeks a relationship, because some of us do not see the point in having a man do things that we are capable of doing ourselves. However, most woman dream of walking down a church aisle in a pearl white dress to the song “Here Comes the Bride.” In fact, some girls agree to getting married to a man they might not last with, simply because a wedding sounds appealing to have. Society is slowly degrading the commitment that is associated with marriage. Cases like these are the reason that marriages never last anymore.