3.0 Marketing Strategy
The key to the marketing strategy is focusing on the quality food with reasonable price, several of food selection, consistently high quality and healthy food accompanied by interacting with customer personally. Yut Kee Restaurant preserve the original taste until now, differentiated from competition quality with the overall brand strategy has proven to be a successful approach generating high levels of repeat business.
3.1 Vision
Yut Kee Restaurant’s vision is to sustain the restaurant until hundred years and keep it same.
3.2 Mission
Yut Kee Restaurant’s mission is to provide the customer the finest meal and dining experience. “We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else
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The popular food are Hainan Chicken Chop, Roast Pork Chop, Lum Mee, Lamb Chop, Fried HaiLam Mee, Roti Babi. At Yut Kee Restaurant, food is not a product, the experience of dining is a service. Yut Kee Restaurant prides themselves on providing service that is on par with fine dining. This is accomplished through an extensive training program and only hiring experienced employees.
4.2 Pricing
Yut Kee Restaurant pricing scheme will be based on competitively priced relative to comparable restaurants which is affordable and reasonable.
4.3 Promotion
Yut Kee Restaurant will also focus on Social Responsibility campaign by offering single free breakfast and lunch coupons to neighborhood school children so they bring their parents for breakfast and lunch, etc. This campaign definitely will help to gain the restaurant respect in the respective area such as brand recognition and print media coverage as well as it will help attracting new families to visit to the restaurant. Additionally, newspaper advertising, banner ads will also contribute to help in restaurant business.
4.4 Place
Yut Kee Restaurant is located at Jalan Kamunting, Kuala Lumpur which in the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur. The restaurant is more spacious and has better ventilation compare to old premise. However, the restaurant is still retain the old charm and heritage of the
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Besides, word of mouth actions quickly between people such as family members, and colleagues who are pleased with the quality of food and service they receive. Yut Kee Restaurant will rely on this form of effective, yet inexpensive marketing to generate interest in its upscale dining location. With the rapid rise of the mobile Internet and Web penetration in emerging markets, Yut Kee Restaurant will also try on social media advertising by establish a Facebook page for customers to become fans of their Facebook page and to share the page with their
Named for a lesser known river in Thailand, River Kwae Thai Cuisine satisfies Moreno Valley diners with the best, most authentic Thai cuisine available east of Los Angeles. Between their lunch combination special, their special seafood preparations, noodle dishes, curries, and stir-fry dishes, they are ready to serve anyone looking for something authentic and exotic in Moreno Valley.
I give this restaurant extremely high marks for producing a quality product.” Another bonus is that the restaurant is very popular, meaning the food is in high demand. Therefore the food that is already out doesn’t have time to get old and stale. But consumers don’t just want great tasting food in any amount; they want enough to fill them up until the time comes for their next meal.
Training always has to be consistent for your staff to understand the menu and to be ready to give answers at any point of time. Quizzing your staff on food pairings, general knowledge and service standards regarding the menu will always assess their knowledge. Marketing Plan The competition among restaurants is fierce, and there is a need to give your all to be successful.Here are some clever marketing ideas and strategies that promise to help to improve the business and get attention from growling stomachs everywhere! Create a restaurant website and Hire a professional photographer (or DIY) to create beautiful photos that appeal to foodies: We all know the importance of internet presence and the role of stunning food pictures in attracting the crowd to our restaurant. Thus, it is necessary to have a beautiful website featuring the restaurant which highlights the food items being served in the restaurant, so that the target customers get to know more about the location. Create a customer loyalty program, using apps such as Belly, LevelUp, LoyalBlock, or Perka. : Customer loyalty programs are a huge business boosters in the present
George should focus on a market for his restaurant, that being, a family-style diner with family-like staffs because he already had that concept envisioned throughout his childhood. From the case, the vast majority of customers are seniors. To broaden Dundas Street Grille’s target market, discounts can be given to students on certain days of the week to attract the younger generation. Moreover, seniors can receive a promotion for those who bring along their family members. In the end, the restaurant will foresee a steady growth in revenue and profitability due to the expanded customer base.
Melanie Leyva Mrs. Uelmen Reading 12/15/16 Topic Women from today and from the past are two different topics. In the past and still now in the United States’ history, women are evolving and growing and getting the equal respect as men. In the late 1920s the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. There are plenty of examples throughout the United States history of women being discriminated.
In order to achieve these strategies company undertakes a 5 P’s integrated approach to people, products, place, price and promotion. Company relies on its ability to continue to innovate and reinvesting in the restaurants to develop them according to system plans for world-wide growth, being consistent in providing excellent customer service and clean and friendly environment which enriches customers experience and create an overall difference that balances profitability with value.
I feel that at this point in the presidential election process, the argument for Hillary Clinton is pretty simple and can be summed up as “the stakes are simply just too high.” However, I understand that many people feel differently about this issue. Throughout the primary election process, I know a lot of people have felt as though they must choose between the lesser of two evils. This sentiment has caused some to vote for a third party, and some to abstain from choosing a presidential candidate entirely. While I understand that this election has been trying, and that these feelings of disappointment are very real for several Americans, I hold the belief that the stakes are simply just too high to abstain from the vote. In this paper, I will attempt to demonstrate just how qualified Hillary Clinton is to be the President of the United States of America. She has 30 years of experience in government, and supports positions on issues that I feel all Americans should care about. These issues include children’s access to health care, education, and her economic plan. Foreign affairs are also increasingly important, and income inequality has been an issue for years. I hope to weigh the issues Hillary Clinton plans to take on if she is elected president against Donald Trump as a candidate. The two have vastly different experiences and qualifications, but as we have all likely noticed, they also have vastly different characters. I hope I can make a case for why you should vote for
Both China and India are very important countries not only in Asia, but the world. As the largest and second largest population country in the world, their population policy has great effects on many areas of the world. Such as agriculture, economy, education.
Chopstix Chinese Restaurant is a family-owned company founded in the early 1990’s in response to the changing social trends in Kenya. As the average customer was now becoming more sophisticated in their tastes, Chopstix, in turn, introduced a sophisticated variety of Cantonese cuisine for all customer demographics. The restaurant’s excellent location between the city centre and affluent residential suburbs, together with efficient
Without a proper advertising, the percentage of our business to be known by the market is lesser and it will be harder to penetrate into the current market without introducing our products as new comers as there would be much competition from the well established markets. One of the approach used to introduce our services to the public is by providing leaflets and brochures about the current promotion which Top Take Away restaurant is having and as well as our menus. There will be also some food coupons attached together with the brochures for the individuals of the public to use in our restaurant during their visit to our restaurant. Advertising is an important marketing technique to the demand of our brand and to let the people around us to be aware of our brand which is “Top Take Away
Old Chang Kee (OCK) commenced its commercial history as a café in 1956 in Mackenzie Road, and had been prodigiously known as offering “Rex Curry Puff”. Han Keen Juan, had determined to buy over the brand and further establish a MNC for OCK. With the objective to produce high-quality hygienic curry puff with favorable flavor, a standardized manufacturing process and merchant vision was implemented to achieve speedier merchant success. In 1992, as a Managing Director, William Lim took in control of the corporation and introduced innovative thoughts, marketing strategies, and management to capture the fast-changed client tastes. (Oldchangkee.com, 2016).
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a popular fast food chicken restaurant chain around the world. (Bell, Shelman, 2011) It is one of the subsidiary of Yum Brand. This company also operates the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. (Yum! Brands, Inc, 2016) KFC was founded by Harland Sanders in 1952. (Bell, Shelman, 2011) Sanders was successful in creating the brand, even the logo of KFC brand is the portrait of him. He became a notable figure in American history thanks to his great contribution on creating KFC brand. Nowadays, KFC becomes more and more popular, the sales ranking of KFC was the 11th among the worldwide restaurant brands. (The QSR 50, 2015) The sales of KFC in 2014 was 4200 million dollars. (Details in Appendix 1) It means KFC has a large quantities of consumption needs. Actually, KFC has 14,577 restaurants around the world and 70% of them are located outside America (Yum Brand Annual Report, 2015). The restaurant profit was increased year by year from 2013 to 2015. (Details in Appendix 2) Therefore, it is potential to enlarge the customer base by analyzing consumer behaviors.
The current restaurant location continues on its steady pace and the new restaurant location renovations have been completed. Now Michael and Tyler are in the process of making the dream a reality and have begun working on a final business plan punch-out. Michael and Tyler are reviewing their marketing, promotion, and campaign plans for the grand opening. They are in agreement that this business plan is heading in the correct direction, they have the media, website and social media venues ready to go and they are feeling comfortable to begin the soft opening to test this plan out.
Customers is an important justification of a company’s success. Considering the interest of customers and portraying a good image to its customers, it had come out with different variety of meals. For example, the KFC offers kid’s meal which gives children free
The research will examine aspect of fine dining industry in Singapore. I will be assessing the competitive strategy of western fine dining restaurant in term of retaining existence customer and attracting new one. In order to identify retaining successful customer I will undertake survey in term of customer satisfaction and willing to pay. I will also interview restaurant’s managers who handle strategy and execution in order to develop attracting new customer. Last I will conclude with a good strategy would help a restaurant