
Marketing Strategy Of Samsung: Marketing Approach By Samsung

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Marketing Approach:
Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers requirements profitably (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
In other words the essentiality/ fundamentals of marketing approach is to create/ produce a product, according to the needs/ requirements of the customers/ community and to remain hold of the existing and new customers with innovation at a reasonable price for the ultimate profitability of the company. The word purpose of marketing approach is to put customers as a centric, which indirectly increase the sale of the company.
Samsung has step into the global market in 1938. Which than diversified its business in different ways and has started to retain a name which …show more content…

The past slogan of Samsung says ‘Everyone Invited’, which was mostly focus on three things: strong global business network, maintain the credibility and make innovative changes and bring inspiring new products. However Samsung has changed it slogan into Inspire the world, create new future.
Samsung Past marketing approach:
Samsung have adopted various marketing approaches in order to increase its brand awareness/recognition amongst its existing and new customers all over the globe. Which includes brand awareness by organizing events, advertisements, fashion outlets, high street shops; giving the quality and required services in a reasonable amount; maintaining the credibility by getting the sponsorships, educating the employee by relevant information and training etc. and giving the importance to its slogan and producing innovative and distinct products.
Present Customers/ Focus:
Presently the Samsung market approach target to business community as their major consumers, adult from 18- 35 years old and multination corporate …show more content…

2. Increase Product Range:
Samsung have to increase its product range to compete with the present competitor on delivering specific good. For ex: air conditions, DSLR cameras.
3. Innovative Products:
A lot of other competitors do not deliver what Samsung do but this a great opportunity for Samsung to capture the market before other put their product in the market. Although Samsung trying hard to deliver innovative products but some of them are very expensive and too specific that it is not affordable by the general public, therefore it is question to make the innovative products in a reasonable and affordable price.
4. Competitors and space for growth:
Samsung laptops lack its familiarisation in today’s market. Whereas at present Sony have shifted its focus on gaming industry, hence Samsung have a potential opportunity to capture the market and make its identity prominent as in compare to Lenovo and MacBook’s.
5. Wider customer

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