Marketing Principles for the Business Development: A Case on Business Organisation
Course Title: Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Unit Title: Marketing Principles Student Name:
Submission Date: 09/12/2013
Executive Summary:
If anyone says a car is nothing without the gear then it can be said that a business is completely meaningless without marketing. It is the main activity to run a business, to utilize a goal, to expand the aim, to achieve the targets and finally to get the profit. As a significant part of a business, marketing needs to track the suitable process to gain the objective. Using the marketing materials, measuring the advantages and disadvantages of marketing orientation, noticing the influence over marketing are elaborated in marketing principles. How to convince client properly using various kinds of advertising, promoting and offering are also described in marketing principles. Marketing principles show the difference between global marketing and familial marketing as well. Finally the marketing can give a complete path to the success. It also provides the energy to fight the problems and struggles in business.
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▪ Special screenings with access to a premium food and beverage menu for VIPs only
Fernando was thrilled to find out that his company had just decided to invest a great deal of money in the product he was managing. He knows that even with its recent high rate of growth and the fact that it dominates its market, he would need more money to establish it firmly. Using the BCG portfolio analysis, his product would be classified as a(n):
A. Describe the environment, as viewed by Michael Porter’s model of competitive forces, that Valuejet was trying to compete in. consider competition, suppliers, customers, new entrants, substitute products? The five competitive forces that shape strategy are competition, suppliers, customers, new entrants, substitute products. Michael E. Porter demonstrates how the five competitive forces can be used in any industry. The results from all five forces not only look at the narrow aspect of competition rivals but as well as broader aspect of competitive interaction within an industry. These five competitive forces can also be used in the case of Valuejet. Competition within the airline industry is highly
Marketing is an important tool for any business. It is how a company makes their product known to the public. Without marketing, the consumers will either not know that the product even exists or will not know all the applications of the product; who makes it, what it is and what it is made from, when came on the market, where it can be purchased, how it can help the consumer and why the consumer should even purchase the product in the first place. According to Tom Ash, Marketing is the process whereby demands for products, services and ideas are anticipated, managed and satisfied (2011).
A successful Pioneer is both customer and innovation-oriented, patient and have a decentralized marketing organization with a high proportion of marketing specialists. Pioneers target innovations and early adopters and are therefore very proactive in their product development efforts. That requires a successful Pioneer to devote a significant effort to marketing research. The successful pioneer will also devote resources to educating customers and stimulating demand for the product through advertising.
In summary, marketing is very important for a business to achieve success. Many businesses have a difficult time in this area. With the stiff competition, businesses struggle to stand out among others. Other companies resort in unethical and unfair schemes just to win the competition. But eventually find themselves in great loss and failure. As businesses all over the world enter into a gigantic marketplace, every business owner is faced with convoluted market competition. Nevertheless, any entrepreneur can be different and become successful in this matter. In every product sold and in every service provided, patience and hard work should take precedence to ensure quality. Products and services should be marketed honestly, planning should not be done with evil
You will provide your completed assessment for all of Part One in one document with cover page (included in this assessment tool on page 2). You are required to professionally format your document including spell-check and indicating each Task answer [e.g. Task 1 (a.) then the answer, Task 1 (b.) then the answer etc.] according to this Assessment Tool Task requirement. You may lose marks if you have not spell-checked your document (as this is a professional formatting requirement, a business skill). Whenever conducting a Presentation, you must always provide copies of MS PowerPoint slides as evidence for your Trainer/Assessor. Be sure to properly reference your sources of information using the Harvard referencing system. For more information go to:1. Student Handbook - latest version 2. AIPE Connect online resources; or 3. Ask your Trainer/Assessor to provide you with this information In order to determine if you are addressing this assessment adequately in terms of competency/comprehension (prior to due date) a draft copy of your assessment should be discussed during class time in consultation with your Trainer/Assessor. For this feedback/ support from your Trainer/Assessor, you will need to bring to class your “draft copy” with any evidence of the research you have conducted to produce the assessment. AIPE accommodates students with reasonable adjustments to training and assessment. This could include variations in course delivery or assessment methodology and it
The Marketing Concept. This is a business philosophy that challenges the above three business orientations. Its central tenets crystallized in the 1950s. It holds that the key to achieving its organizational goals (goals of the selling company) consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating customer value to its selected target customers. The Marketing Concept represents the major change in today’s company orientation that provides the foundation to achieve competitive advantage. This philosophy is the foundation of consultative selling.
Discuss what is meant by the term “customer orientation”. Illustrate with examples how companies demonstrate their customer orientation by reference to at least two elements of the marketing mix.
Marketing is selling the product goods and service by knowing the needs and wants of the customer and consumer (Kotler P, 2009). Marketing Management expertise has capable of knowing the change of an organisation to manage both the internal and external challenges of environment (Cant M C, et al, 2009). A company needs to classify the customer needs and identifies the demand of the supplying
When looking to add a new product to the market, traditionally five steps occur in marketing research and lead to marketing actions. Of these five steps, step number three covers the collection of marketing data. Marketing data can be collected through either primary research or secondary research. The goal of this assignment is to describe both primary and secondary research, provide examples of each and determine how the author’s organization could benefit from each. The author will begin with a description of primary marketing research.
Marketing Plays a vital role in a business, because of marketing the business can offer their offerings and to their customers and provides the services. Marketing is a combination of 4 P’s which are Product, Prize, Place and promotion, to Analysis the marketing of this business, I am explaining the
Mauritius is part of the globalised world and the fast food industry has gradually started to take a foothold in the small island nation. The fast food franchises form part and parcel of the products necessary in today’s culture and lifestyle. The convenience they provide enhances people’s productivity and their lives. However, considering the ever-increasing competitive business environment, it is necessary to adequately evaluate the appropriate marketing approach to enable effective competition. An effective marketing strategy guarantees that a new entrant into the Mauritian market can be adaptive and respond to the evolving market conditions thus ensuring that they stand out from the rest and consequently thrive.
1.The business name will be "Beware the Beak" and provides a pet-related service. It will be located in Los Angeles with the plan to expand it to other large cities.
Marketing plays the most important role for the success of a business. In this chapter, the business’ marketing objectives are laid out together with the plans or actions that will be needed to achieve these objectives. Furthermore, this chapter includes the profile of the respondents which aided the researchers to create this part of the feasibility study.