
Marketing Analysis : Southwest Airlines

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Technology is growing rapidly since the early 90’s and a lot has changed in the marketing sector on how businesses operate. The internet has made it possible for businesses to market their products and services through digital channels. According to Smallwood, (2016). “The way people connect, communicate, and share information online has evolved in ways unimaginable just a generation ago, yet from a marketer 's perspective the biggest change may be in the amount of information suddenly available.” Through digital media consumers are able to associate themselves with the products and services that are rendered. The three organizations I have seen advertised; that have specifically focused on digital media to market its products and or services are, Southwest Airline, John Foy & Associates, and the Coca-Cola Company.
Southwest Airlines has demonstrated its superior comprehensive strategy (1) being the only major United States (US) airline to earn a profit throughout the early 1990’s, Hallowell, (1996). Southwest Airlines uses digital channels such as twitter, LinkedIn, socialrank, mobile app, YouTube, Instagram, email, and Facebook, in addition to TV advertisement to represent their brand to specific segments of the market. The differences here, is that Southwest is accessing avenues to reach their consumers to communicate more effectively. Southwest employs a heart shape symbol because their motto is to reach the heart of their customers. According to Phelps, (2014). “The

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