
Marketing Analysis : Canned Goods

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The single-most commonality is the degree of intangibility is inherent in both. This comes into play with the process of trying to get customers. This includes obtaining new ones and keeping old ones.

Marketers will go beyond their literal promises of specifications, advertisements, and labels of their product to make the buyer feel reassured. A common example would be packaging. A classic example would be canned goods. Marketers will put an appealing picture on the label to make you feel more confident in what you are buying.

Buying Promises- People will have to invest in a promise since the product has some intangibility. Companies will use metaphors and similes to provide the tangibility that the consumer can not receive in advance. An example would be making eyeshadow seem like any woman who wears it will become an irresistable tigress at night. Even if consumers know it is not true, it is still an effective metaphor. Another approach to buying a promise would be the impression one gets from the way a product is packaged. A good first impression will provide the buyer with more confidence. Importance of Impressions- Research shows that people are quick to make assumptions based off appearance. Consumers will use people who offer the product or represent it, as a way of making the decision to buy a product or not. The impression consumers receive can have an impact on how they view a certain product. An example would be sending a very young bank

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