
Market Research Implementation Plan: Problem Identification and Project Outline

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Market Research Implementation Plan: Problem Identification and Project Outline

From humble beginnings in 1901 to current day, Harley-Davidson strives to build and provide not only a mode of transportation but also a lifestyle. According to Harley-Davidson (2001-2011), the company mission reads “We ride with our customers and apply this deep connection in every market we serve to create superior value for all of our stakeholders” (Company, para. 2). The company always has not experienced the success they are realizing today and no one knows what challenges tomorrow can bring. Harley-Davidson is committed to providing the best customer service in every department.
Although Harley-Davidson’s mission implies the company connection …show more content…

Part of building a relationship between a company and its customers is customer service; it can be the difference between a onetime or lifelong customer. It is customers’ loyalty and confidence that Harley-Davidson tries to maintain and keep. That is why the manner in which the public perceives Harley-Davidson’s customer service is important, it can literally help build or destroy customer loyalty. The target market for Harley-Davidson has always been the baby-boomers born prior to 1961, but this has changed dramatically to include anyone looking for freedom and individuality (Wilhite, 2011). To better understand the perceived customer service Harley-Davidson need only go back to its roots from the 1980’s when it was transforming the company. During this time Harley’s principle owners went to motorcycle rally’s and bike shows and talked with their customers directly and asked the questions related to what would be necessary to create a better experience (Wilhite, 2011). From this research Harley-Davidson got where it is today and formed a simple philosophy, listen to customers, give them what they ask for both mechanically and psychologically (Wilhite, 2011). Harley-Davidson’s reach is wide and the target is complex, blue collar, white collar, students, men, women, all ethnic groups, religions, and social classes.

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