
Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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Marjane Satrapi wrote a riveting novel, Persepolis, describing her childhood living through the Islamic Revolution in Iran. While showing the impact of this phenomenon on her family and friends, she also reveals how the events developed her character as well. She effectively demonstrates the themes of gender roles, social class, and loss of innocence through the use of graphics in her novel. First Body Paragraph: Gender Roles This image shows a woman in a house, washing dishes, while a man is outside, washing a car. The symbolism of the couple’s position show that according to gender roles, women belong in the house while the men do the “real” work. Marjane shows this by emphasizing the difference in appearance between men and women. “But let’s be fair. …show more content…

The only things men couldn’t wear were short-sleeved shirts and ties. This builds on Marjane’s personality by making her more aware of the inequality between men and women. Not only does this make her a little more cautious (thanks to her mother), but it also drives her forward to see a change.Second Body Paragraph: Social Classes The picture above shows the difference of social classes in a simpler form. The people in the bottom bunk are the third class, living in poverty. The middle bunk is the middle class, where they live an average life with average wealth. Then the top bunk is the 1st class citizens, living

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