
Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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The book Persepolis is an book by an author named Marjane Satrapi. Persepolis teaches people a lot about Iran during the times around 1979, around the time of Iran's revolution. The book tells about the time when the people were losing their freedom there. During these times, women there were forced to wear a headscarf. In my perspective, people should be able to wear and do whatever they like.
The book taught me a lot about many things I did not know about the past in Iran. It is about the author’s childhood during the Iranian revolution. It talked about her during her school years. Marjane’s parents went to go fight with a group of people to regain their freedom. Since Marjane and her friends were too young to demonstrate they would do it in her yard at her house. …show more content…

One of the nights when the Marjane comes back from school, one of her parents tells her more about the revolution. She hears that one place was on fire while people were inside, and some of the people standing outside did not let anyone out so they burned. The fire department did not come fast enough; by the time they made it there, the place was on fire and the people were deafened. This part to me was very fascinating because I hadn’t known how bad the conditions were during the time.
She also learned a lot when her grandmother came down to visit her because she would teach her often. When Marjane's mother was little her mother would boil water so the people that would watch her would not notice that during that time they were very

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