
Marine Prepositioning Essay

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Logistics in the U.S. Marine Corps
The definition of logistics is “the branch of military science and operations dealing with the procurement, supply, and maintenance of equipment, with the movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel, with the provision of facilities and services, and with related matters” (logistics). The name logistics was devised by the military and the war theatre. In a Marine Corps MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force), there is a Logistics Combat Element. These Marines contribute to the mission by properly planning and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Marine Prepositioning Force is made up of United States government owned vessels that are run by Military Sealift Command. The ships are strategically located around the world in order to support our armed forces such as the Marine Corps with supplies and equipment. The Maritime Prepositioning Force provides support in times of crisis and when forward presence is needed. The United States Marine Corps has been very successful with the support of the Maritime Prepositioning Ships.
The Marine Corps Prepositioning Programs Handbook states its purpose as follows: “The …show more content…

As stated earlier, the Marine Prepositioning Force is made up of United States government owned vessels that are run by Military Sealift Command. If needed, these ships are able to unload either offshore with an instream offload or in port. The discharged supplies are then given to the Marines at airfields close-by. Once the equipment has been delivered, the outcome is a Marine Air-Ground Task Force. The MAGTF is quickly launched and ready for its mission. The Maritime Prepositioning Ships have the capability of supporting a MAGTF with enough supplies and equipment for up to 30 days. Each MPS contains cranes that are used to offload supplies at the docks or while out at

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